16. Broken heart

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(Listen to the above song; you'll love it)

"Jin sir," called out Minho as soon as he saw his master coming out of the house in the evening looking like a zombie.

Jin looked at the direction with difficulty where he saw his driver walking towards him; a familier bag in his hand. Jin squinted to get a better look.

"Sir is this bag yours?" Minho asked holding out the bag in front of him. That's when Jin recognized it. He immediately snatched the bag away from him and hugged onto it. Minho stared at him in surprise.

"Y-yes..." stammered Jin frowning. "W-where did you find it?"

"I was vacuuming the X-trail, when I found this in the passenger seat sir."

"Oh, the X-trail... my dear little x-trail." whined Jin pressing his face into the bag.

"Excuse me sir?" asked Minho wondering if he was still drunk. Minho was so tried the day before driving here and there to find his master for hours.

"Whatever.." said Jin sighing. "Go give my x-trail baby a nice wash."

"Okay sir" Minho walked away shaking his head.


Jin looked back and saw his brother staying at the doorway looking worried. 

"Hyung, come inside. We need to talk."

Jin feared it. He didn't want to talk about him because all he get at the end was a broken heart.

"Tae tae...It's alright. I'm totally...fine." Jin swallowed the sob which was about to pop out. 

"Of course, you're not fine hyung." said Tae in a bemused tone. "We need to talk this through."

Jin lowered his head down and followed Taehyung back into the house. Tae stopped his wheel chair in front of a couch and signaled Jin to sit down. Jin sat without looking at Tae.

"Hyung, let's come straight to the subject." said Taehyung holding his brother's hand with care. "Do you love Jungkook hyung?"

Jin nodded weakly as a tear drop fell onto his lap.

"Then why didn't you tell me? I would have set up a plan to get you two together."

"It's too late Tae." said Jin in a small voice. "He doesn't love me"

"Hyung, you don't see things right. He loves you! That's why he had kissed you back in the car, right?"

(Yoongi had told everything to Tae and Jin knew that too.)

"I-I don't know Tae... The only thing I know is... I can't have him."

"Did you try to call him?"

"He doesn't answer my calls."

"Then I think you should go meet him."

Jin shot his head up and looked at Tae like he was crazy. "W-What?"

"Jungkook hyung seemed to be a nice person hyung. I'm sure he would understand everything if you tell him in person. Prove him that you won't let him fall; that you truly love him. Eliminate those insecurities he feel towards the relationship."

Jin blinked twice and looked at the bag. He clutched onto it tightly.

"D-Do you think it would work?"

"Absolutely... Come on hyung, let's get dressed. You're gonna go to meet him."

"R-Right now?"

"Yes, right now, before you become more coward. Come on hyung, I'll choose you the sexiset outfit ever."

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