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4 Years Later

"Kookie, does this tie color match my shirt?" asked Jin holding the tie close to his collar. Jungkook turned back from the mirror and nodded smiling.

"It looks beautiful upon you Jinnie. Do you want any help with that?" 

"Yes please. I'm usually terrible at wearing ties and since it's my Tae Tae's wedding I have to look more handsome." 

Jungkook chuckled and came close to Jin. He started to knot the tie in the correct way around his collar while Jin just stared at him.

"You look utterly beautiful today honey." he said lifting his hand to caress the younger's cheek. "You seem to be the groom, not Tae or Jimin."

Jungkook smiled and hit him on the chest playfully. He finished with the tie and turned back to go when Jin suddenly pulled him back into his chest by hand.

"Hey..." whined Jungkook looking into his husband's eyes. Jin stared at his eyes for a moment then his eyes trailed down for the lips. 

Jin slowly bend his face and was about to capture Jungkook's lips when someone cleared his throat.

"Ahem...Appa, I'm right here!."

The couple quickly jumped apart and looked at the small boy who was drawing something in a book, sitting on the floor right beside them.

"W-When did you came here Guk?" asked Jungkook embarrassed. "And why are you sitting on the floor? Your dress would get dirty."

" Papa, I'm trying to match these dots for hours but still couldn't get an elephant out of it??" whined little Yoon Guk erasing the lines once again which he had already drew.

"Come on honey, I'll help you after we arrive home from Tae uncle's wedding hmm?" said Jungkook kneeling beside him.

"Weddings are boring Papa." said Yoon Guk trying to draw between two dots. 

"This one won't be, I promise." said Jin. "And besides, Yoongi uncle's daughter is coming too. You can play with her, right? It'd be fun."

Yoon Guk's eyes lit up hearing it. He loved Yoongi's two year old 'Rose' a lot. "Can I Appa? But...Papa said I play too rough with her last time."

Jin sat beside him and ruffled his hair. "That's a teeny bit correct Guk. You know, she was still too small to play with your huge.... Captain America toy"

Yoon Guk looked down sighing. "Then with what should I play with her? Ooh, Ooh...I know, She'll love my T.rex dinosaur, right Papa?"

Jungkook chuckled at his son's cuteness. "No honey, it'd be nice if you give her soft toys..just like a teddy bear, hmm?"

Yoon Guk looked at him with his big doe eyes and smiled. "Okay papa, I'll give her my Shooky plushie..Would she like that?"

"Of course, go get him." said Jin and patted his back. Yoon guk ran out towards his play room giggling.

"Ah, my Guk is so sweet.." said Jungkook looking back at the way his son went. "He likes to share his things."

"That's right." said Jin getting up and helping Jungkook to stand up. "And now he's gone we can continue fr...."

"Aish, stop it Jinnie. Guk may come soon...Oh, see he's already running back."

Yoon Guk hurried towards them and show the brown color plushie in his hands. "Appa, Papa..I'm gonna give this to Rose as a gift."

Jungkook patted his head and bend down to lift him up. Then he kissed the little boy's cheek lovingly. "Guk is a very good boy. Good boys always shares."

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