21. Reason for my success

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Kims company became a very busy place in the next two weeks. Employees can be seen running in and out from Jin's cabin everytime. Jin had to work extra hours so he had to start to work early and go home extremely late. Even at home he had to check many reports and emails on his laptop so he had to miss the time with his loved ones, specially Jungkook.

Of course Jin couldn't even forget about him for a minute and he felt guilty for not telling Jungkook the reason for his absence. So after some days he called the younger and informed about the project and Jungkook said it's alright and he doesn't have to tell about his business secret to keep up their relationship better. Jin was so glad to have a understanding lover like that.

There were only two days left to present their report when Jin got a mind-blowing call, that the boy who was gonna explain the presentation was ill !

Jin got furious hearing it. Only that boy knew how to describe the ideas clearly because he's a professional in that. He quickly called Hoseok into his cabin.

"Hoseok find someone who can do this for god's sake. " yelled Jin tugging onto his tie in frustration. 

"Yes sir."

Hoseok brought a few other employees who he thought could to the job better but none of them seemed good enough for Jin. At the end of the day Jin sat on couch with his head on hands in the cabin not knowing what to do.

Jin was groaning to himself when his phone rang beside him. He huffed at it and was about to disconnect when he saw it was his darling. He quickly pick up the phone.

"Hey Jinnie! Are you busy right now or would I..."

"No, no... I'm not Kook honey. What is it?" Jin said trying to sound happy.

Jungkook was silent for a minute before he talk again. "Is something wrong Jinnie?"

Jin thought for a while. Should he say it to him? Even it's not related to their love life he believed that talking to someone about their problems can soothe themselves a bit. So he told everything that happened to the boy who listened to them carefully while humming sometimes in response.

After Jin finished talking Jungkook started to speak and what he said made the other's eyes go wide with surprise.

"I'll do it."


"I said I'll do it. Look Jinnie, I was the top student at SNU and you know why? Because of my studying method. It was teaching back. When I was in hostel I taught every lesson back to my room mate who was a little weak. In the last exam I sat there, he got high marks. Believe me Jin, I can do this. All I need is to check your presentation."

"But Jungkook, are you sure about this? You know, it's a high responsibility and there's only a day left."

"You have my word Jin, just send me the presentation."

"Okay Kook honey, I believe you ."

"I will come to you office to show a rehearsal tomorrow evening."

"Thank you Kookie, for everything."

"Thank you for believing in me Jinnie."

Jin flew a fly kiss to the phone and disconnected the call. After that he send the presentation via whatsapp to the younger.


Jin was talking with some directors in his cabin the next day when Hoseok came in and informed that Jungkook has arrived. Jin told him to send him in.

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