23.Who do you want?

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Two weeks later

Jin was walking on the way to his cabin when suddenly Hoseok ran in front of him and stopped. Jin halted his steps and looked at the other who was holding a lovely opened box towards him with a wide smile on his face. Jin took a peep in. He was surprised to see the box had a lot of teddy-bear shaped chocolates. Jin lifted a brow and looked at Hoseok in a questioning look.

"Sir, my Hyungwon just had a baby yesterday. " said Hoseok with and excited voice while tears filled to his eyes. "I became an appa."

Jin's eyes went wide and and a smile grew on his face. He quickly hugged the latter and patted his back.

"Oh my god Hoseok-ah. I'm so happy for you!!"

Jin pulled out of the hug and kept his hands on his shoulders. 

"Is it a girl or a boy? What is his name? Does he look like you or him?"

Hoseok chuckled softly. "Actually it's a girl. Hyungwon named her as Jin-hi, just for you sir and..she looks like me."

"Wow...Thank you for joining my name for her."

Hoseok nodded still smiling and hand Jin a large chocolate. Jin took a bite of it to please Hoseok.

"Can I come to see the baby with my boyfriend after office? I would like to see her." 

"Of course sir." he said bowing.

"Alright then. Tell Hyungwon that he has got a best husband." 

Hoseok smiled bowing and went away to tell the others.

As soon as Jin entered the cabin he got a call to Jungkook. Jungkook was selected to the job the prime minister promised by president immediately after seeing his abilities so now he's also at work. 

After four or five rings Jungkook picked up.

"Hello Jinnie?"

"Why are you being so late to answer me honey?" Jin whined into the phone. "Don't you love me anymore?"

Jin heard Jungkook laughing on the other side. "Of course not. I was a little busy, just came from a press conference. Cha Eun-woo hyung here is very helpful."

"Yah- I told you not to spend time with him too much." asked Jin frowning.

"Relax Jinnie, he's the one who helps with getting used to this and correct all mistakes."

"Whatever, just let him know that you're already taken." huffed Jin earning a chuckle from Jungkook in return. "And hey, my assistant Hoseok's husband has had a baby yesterday so I was planning to go there today evening. Can you come with me? I already told him that I'll bring my boyfriend."

"Oh, that's a great news!! Yeah, I'm coming Jin." cooed Jungkook in excite. "Pick me at my office after you finish your work."

"Okay, bye Kook honey. See you soon!" Jin disconnected the call after placing a kiss on the phone screen.

Jungkook was waiting at the parking lot for Jin to return that evening. In no time he saw Jin's massive car pulled in front of him. As soon as he stopped it, he got out of the car and ran around to hug Jungkook.

"Aw, I miss you soo much Kookie."

"Come on Jinnie, it has just been a few hours." smiled Jungkook while pulling out and looking at Jin's face. Jin stared at him for a second and at once pecked the other's lips with his.

"Oh god Jiiinnn!! There are people around us..?" hissed Jungkook embarressed.

"I don't care, How about we go for a date after seeing the baby? We haven't gone for one in a while, right?"

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