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Jin was rolling on his bed hugging the pillow with a smile on his face. He was rethinking about the previous kiss he had from his lover that evening. Jin couldn't even concentrate on his work at office. He touched his lips while chuckling to himself. He thought Jungkook's also having the the same feeling.

After sometime he got his phone from the bed-side table and checked the time. It was only 8.p.m so he decided to message the boy.


Hi Kookie!

How are you feeling?

Are you awake?

Jin saw that Jungkook's offline and wondered why. He usually stayed online that time to text with him. What's wrong today? Did he hate that kiss? No way, he pulled him into the last one before he ran out of the car without a word. Or is he being too shy to text?

He checked his phone again before he leave the last message.

 Good night Kookie!


After sharing the third and last kiss Jin unlocked the door and Jungkook ran out of the car with only his rabbit cage but leaving the bag, blushing and smiling. Jin watched him disappear into the house grinning.

Jungkook locked the door behind him and leaned back to it smiling like mad. His face was red and chubby because of the happiness. 

Meanwhile Mrs.Jeon came into the room to see his son and when she spotted him, she looked at his face for a moment and gasped.

"Jungkook?" she half shouted with shock.

Jungkook's smile turned into a perplex one as he eyed his mother in fear.

"W-Why mom?"

"Your LIPS!" she cried. "Did he..did he..."

Jungkook tried to look everywhere but her eyes.

"What else did you do with him huh?"

"M-Mom I.."

"Shut up Jungkook! It hasn't even gone a month after he met you and look how greedy he is."

Jungkook tried to protest but Mrs.Jeon went with her ranting, not letting his speak a word.

"That's it. This is the last day you're gonna meet that Kim Seokjin.  I thought you're just trying to be at least better friends first but you-you kissed him? I didn't want to involve because I thought you're old enough to get right decisions but you were not and this has gone too far."

Jungkook's once bright eyes filled with tears hearing that. He loved Jin; and he know Jin too loved his the same way. He can't even imagine removing him from his life this soon.

"Mom I-"

"Stop! I'm your mother Jungkook and I still have the rights to give you orders. I'm doing this only for you Jungkook, so from now on you are prohibited to meet him...ever again." 

Jungkook's knees felt too weak to help him stand up anymore. Tears ran down his cheeks endlessly.

"Did he confess you?" his mom asked harshly.

Jungkook shook his head weakly.

"I'm sure he'll pop up again to do that and you are gonna say 'NO', okay? Tell him that you don't wanna see him again. If he ask for a reason, tell him you hate perverts."

The Magic in Love [JINKOOK]Where stories live. Discover now