12. Friends?

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"Arg.....This hoodie is too small for me." groaned Jin trying to pull the zip up. "Why can't I close this..ur...damn thing.."

It was a Sunday morning and he was free that day. He was getting ready to go somewhere.

However he finally got into the hoodie after a desperate try. Then he pulled on a pair of black trousers and a mask. 

Jin wanted to wear clothes as charm as they could be but the every piece of clothes still looked a lot more expensive except for the old hoodie.

Jin took the bag on the table, opened his bed room door and peeped outside to see if anyone's around. He saw the butler going into a room. Jin slowly tip-toed outside and went down the staircase. He was about to go out of the door when Namjoon's voice heard behind him, making him jump out of the skin.

"Sir, you're going somewhere? May I give you a ride?"

Jin turned back at Namjoon and frown fiercely.

"Mind your own business." hissed Jin and left the house leaving the confused Namjoon behind.

He went to his car park and wondered what's the most cheap looking one.

My Montero? No, it's too big. Then my old mercedes? No, it's still a benz. Then, my little i8? What the hell, even it's little it's a fucking sport car. What about.. Tae's volvo? Yes, that's it. That car looks so.. normal. Tae won't be mad if i borrow it for a sec.

So Jin clicked open the car door and slid in to the driver seat. After a while he drove it out of the gate. It was a relief for him that the guard didn't ask him anything.

He drove his car all the way to the street where Jungkook's house was. He parked the car a little far away from the house and walked up to his gate wit the bag in his hands. Jin waited at the gate for Jungkook to come out because he knew he leaves home about 7.

After a while he saw the door open and out came the boy with a water can. He started to water the flower beds not noticing the boy who's staring at him.

Jin watched Jungkook's movements in awe. His big brown eyes sparkling in the soft sunlight, his little nose which was scrunching now and then when he saw something wrong with the plants, his lips pouting with happiness whenever he saw a lovely blossomed flower, his hands touching those leaves and his slightly messed up bronze hair which was falling over his forehead...

Everything was perfect... Even the surroundings matched his appearance.

Suddenly Jungkook noticed someone's eyes on him and looked up to see the man covered in black.

"W-Who are you?" asked Jungkook getting a step back.

Jin came out of his daze and quickly removed his mask. "It's me, Jin."

Jungkook's brows tightned as he turned away to continue his work.

Jin opened the gate and came towards Jungkook in a playful manner. Jungkook didn't care to look up. 

"Look what I brought you Kookie." said Jin smiling widely. 

"I don't need anything from you." said Jungkook still looking away.

"It's rabbit food for your Kookie, Kookie." said Jin chuckling. He saw a small grin on the younger's face. 

"Yah-Go away, I can feed my rabbit."

"Come on Jungkook, I'm really sorry for what I said back then. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, I truely didn't. I just only wanted to help you, I swear. So please Jungkook, don't be mad at me. You're like my best friend." He apologized to Jungkook in person and Yoongi mentally.

Jungkook smiled and turned to Jin. "It's okay Jin, I acted like a fool. I should have understand you."

Jin beamed like a child. "So we are friends, again?"

Jungkook held his hand. "Of course"

Jin took his hand and shook it warmly. "Thank you Kookie."

Jungkook blushed at the name. "Thank you too, Jinnie."

Jin looked at him in surprise. "Jinnie?"

"Uh- yeah.. I'm sorry if it sounds lame.." said Jungkook looking down. 

Jin lifted Jungkook's face by  chin and stared into his face. "It's not and... you look beautiful today."

Jungkook turned red in shy. "No, I'm not. Anyway, why are you wearing all black?"

"Uh-huh.." said Jin tugging his hoodie with proud. "I just wanted to apologize you as a normal person, not like an arrogant C.E.O.. I wanted you to feel that I really meant it. So I dressed like this and came in a cheaper car."

Jin didn't know from where those ideas or words came into his head. But he understood they all were true. He's not a businessmen in front of either Yoongi, Tae or Jungkook.

Jungkook's heart melted when he heard those words from Jin. He couldn't help but feel so happy to know that Jin cares about his friendship that much.

"You're a good person Jin." said Jungkook smiling at him. 

Jin smiled back while taking Jungkook's hand without hesitation. "So, are you free to go for a dinner tonight to celebrate our reunion?"

Jungkook looked at Jin's long fingers on his and nodded. "Okay"

"Great," exclaimed Jin and stayed thoughtful for a while before he asked, "Can I have your number?"

Jungkook looked up at him and then reached for his pocket. He pulled out a phone which was covered with tapes here and there. Jin's mind did a flip seeing that. He even hesitated to pull his super luxurious i-phone out.

"I still have your name card so, I'll dial the number. Then you can save mine." said Jungkook while trying to pull out his back cover. After a while he took it off and got out Jin's card. He dialed the number in it and and both of them heard Jin's phone ringing in his pocket. Jin didn't want to get it out so he waited Jungkook to disconnect it himself.

"Are you going for work today?" asked Jin lookin at Jungkook's dress. Arg...what is he trying to see from his dress; Jungkook's doesn't wear full suit for work? Jin facepalmed mentally.

"No, today I'm gonna stay with my mom," said Jungkook. "I promised her to bake a cake today."

"Really? Oh then, I can also have a slice, right?"

Jungkook nodded enthusiasticely.

"Okay then," said Jin pushing his hands into trouser pockets. "See you later"

"See you later Jin."

Jin smiled and went a few steps before he turned back to look at Jungkook.

"And remember to be beautiful tonight." Jin gave a wink and left the poor Jungkook hanging his mouth open.

Do friends do that?


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