30.Best Gift Ever

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7 months later

2.a.m in the morning


Jin's eyes shot open hearing his husband whine beside him. He quickly turned to Jungkook's side and shook him softly on the shoulder.

"Kook honey, what is it? Do you feel weird? You need to go to the hospital?"

Jungkook stopped whimpering and opened his eyes sweating. 

"J-Jinnie....." he stammered uneasily.

"Do you want to go to the hospital honey?" Jin asked again and Jungkook shook his head.

"I-I w-want something t-to.......eat." Jungkook said pouting. 

Jin sighed mentally but forced a smile. This was not the first time for Jungkook waking him up asking for food since he became pregnant.

"What do you want Kookie?" Jin asked giving a kiss onto the younger's cheek.

"I want .... um.... a sweet and sour p-prawn soup." said Jungkook and looked away guiltily. He didn't want to bother Jin but everytime he wants to eat something, his insides ate him up until the relevant food was taken.

"What makes you want to eat them honey?" asked Jin getting out of the duet. 

"I-I was watching TV last night a-and I saw a food commercial. I'm really sorry Jinnie...I can't help this." Jungkook caressed his six months belly and sighed. "The baby needs prawns."

"I know honey," Jin looked at the digital clock on the bed-side table and decided to make the food on his own because it was too early to open shops and the maids to arrive. He slipped his feet into bed slippers and got up to go. 

Jin swayed his way sleepily to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. He shuffled out the ingredients and placed them neatly on the table. After that he put some water on the hot plate to boil for soup. Then he washed the vegetables and started to cut them into tiny pieces.

Jin was cutting some carrots when he heard someone walk into the kitchen behind him.

"Master, do you need any help?"

Jin turned around and smiled. "Oh Namjoon-ah. Thank god you came.. Can you clean off those prawns. It's a bit hard for me to do."

"Sure sir, I'll do it."

"Thank you Namjoon-ah." said Jin getting back to his cutting. "Kookie wanted a prawn soup."

"Last time master Jungkook needed pears slices." said Namjoon smiling. He put the prawns to a water basin and started to peel them off.

"My baby must be a food lover just like me." said Jin chuckling. 

After sometime the bowl of soup was ready. Jin placed it on a tray and took it to the bedroom. He saw Jungkook sitting on the bed waiting for him. As soon as he saw Jin with the soup, he smiled widely.

"Oh Jinnie...That smells so good...Thank you so much baby." Jungkook held his hands to take it but Jin shook his head.

"Honey, lean back to the head board. I'll feed you." he said keeping Jungkook's pillow upright so he could slant back to it. 

Jin sat beside Jungkook and took a spoonful of soup. He blew it to take out the heat and slowly entered it to Jungkook's mouth.

"Mmmmm....So tasty baby."

Jin smiled and put in another.

Jungkook watched his husband feeding him lovingly. Tears formed in his eyes but he quickly blinked it away. He felt so lucky to have someone like that as his husband.

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