24. Loss

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"Mom Nooo!!!"

Jungkook half ran, half flew towards the body. He fell on his knees in front of Mrs.Jeon and pulled her onto his lap. Her eyes were closed and she didn't response to the impact.

Jungkook started to tap on her cheeks with his palms continuesly as tears began to flow down from his eyes.

"Mom, wake up please..." he cried. "Come on mom, don't scare me like this...please wake up...you can't...you can't leave me."

Jin came to his side and slowly took her hand and checked her pulse within the wrist. Then he placed two fingers on her neck and sighed hopelessly. 

"What is it Jin?" asked Jungkook in a hurry looking at Jin with puffy eyes. "Is she...My mom... tell me she's not......."

Jin looked at Jungkook and shook his head slowly. "She's gone."

"No!!" wailed Jungkook in pain. "You're lying Jin, you're fucking lying... I need to to take her to a hospital right now..."

"Kookie.. we're late for that." said Jin in a small voice even though he was a little hurt of being talked rudely by his lover.

"Jin are you gonna help me or not?" shouted Jungkook while trying to lift her up. That's when they saw a bottle of pills which had been laying under her, rolled out. 

Jin picked up the bottle and read the label. "Pain killers. She must have returned home in a hurry as soon as she left the house for thes"

"We don't have much time...We got to take her to a hospital so stop reading bottles and help me."

Jin stared at him for a second with an unreadable expression then came over to pick the dead body up from Jungkook's hands.

"Let's go to my car." he said and walked out while Jungkook ran behind him crying.

In no time they were in the hospital and Mrs.Jeon was taken into a nearby room. Jin could see from the look on the doctor's face, that she was already dead. Jungkook mustn't be thinking straightly because he was too shocked to accept the fact that his mother was too late to save.

Jungkook and Jin watched as the doctor open her eye-lids, shone a touch and aimed the light on them. 

"What are they doing?" asked Jungkook in panic. "They shouldn't be doing something stupid like that with a dying person."

"Jungkookie, they are checking whether her brain cells are.... dead or not." Jin explained from his least knowledge.

"Th-then...what if they are...dead?"

Jin hugged Jungkook to his side. "I'm sorry honey."

Jungkook clutched onto his shirt and started to cry again.

"She was the only family I had....W-What do I do without her?"

Jin tightened his hug and placed a kiss on Jungkook's forehead. The doctor came to them with a worried face. Jungkook's crying became harder seeing that. He already knew what was about to come. 

"We are sorry to say that... she had died a couple of hours ago."

Suddenly Jungkook pulled from Jin and pushed him back harshly. Jin and the doctor watched him with shock as the latter's face turned into a extremely raged one.

"You Kim fucking SeokJin...!!" he yelled making Jin flinch. "You're the one responsible for this..."

"W-what Kookie?" Jin felt as  lump stuck in his throat hearing that.

"If you didn't want to have sex with me that time....I-I could have save her...You..you..." suddenly Jungkook fell onto the floor crying.

Jin ran to his side despite of thinking what Jungkook had just said. He hugged the younger and rocked him back and forth with comfort.

"I'm sorry Jung..."

"....No, I'm sorry Jinnie." cried Jungkook leaning onto the other's embrace. "I was..I don't know....I'm just sorry for saying those bad words to you....I'm so sorry.....I didn't meant to hurt you.....I knew she was gonna  die soon, the doctors said so...but I was..I was really shocked Jinnie....I loved her, she had to live a hard life because of me....I wanted to make her happy....I wanted to show her that I can be the best son in the world....but she left me before...I can even marry..."

"Shhh...Jungkookie, you had been the best son okay? Look, you even got a job from the president. You made her happy alright? I'm sure she'll be watching you from above for the rest of your life."

Jungkook nodded into his chest while his tears wetted Jin's shirt. The hospital staff passing by looked at them with pity. It was a rare sight  to see such a wealthy man sitting on a floor but the love for each other was visible through it. All Jin wanted is to share the pain with him.

After a while they both got up to go see Mrs.Jeon. She laid on the bed peacefully as if she was satisfied of what she already had.

The funeral was done by Jin's help and Jin asked him to come live with them but Jungkook kindly refused it. 

One day, Jungkook was shuffling through her mother's cupboard when he found a faded golden color box. He examined it with curiosity and slowly opened it. The insides were covered with a velvet cloth and there was only some papers in it. He checked them one by one and saw most of them were medical prescriptions and old letters from her cousins. As he was scanning them, a newly written letter took his attention. He unfolded the paper and sure enough it was written to him by her. The date marked a month ago.

My Dear son Kook,

I know my time's up and about to leave everything. And believe me, I'm happy. I'm alright to leave the world now because I knew my son's going to be alright with Jin after I go. The only thing made me afraid to die was you. I was afraid that you would have to face this cruel world without anyone's support. But now that loving and caring Jinnie son is by your side, I know that you'll be safe.

I still remember the day you born. You were so beautiful. Your dad and I thought, you were gifted by an angel in the sky, that's how much lovely you looked. We watched you grow with happiness with skills and looks. Both of us loved you so much.

But after your dad left us you had to throw your dreams aside and worked for me. I was in so much pain seeing that. You didn't deserve any of them. That's why I refused you to be with Jin, I thought it might cause you more troubles but I was so wrong. I still apologize for what I did that time. Jin's the best man for you, he's a miracle. Protect him with your all your might Jungkook, he's the most valuable one you ever had in your life.

Finally, I have to say...Live a happy life Jungkook. Look after yourself and Jin too! I'll be watching your family from above if I wouldn't go to hell. I'll come to see your kids too. 

I love you so much Kookie!

Your mom.

Jungkook hugged the letter to his chest and cried. He missed her so much.

"You are right mom." he mumbled through tears. "I promise I'll make you happy. I will protect Jinnie with my whole life."


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