27. Sweet Talk

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Jin held the box which had the beautiful ring in it in a romantic way which made all the people in the room gasp. Jin gathered all of his courage and spoke with the sweetest voice ever.

"Jungkookie, my only love of life, Would you like to marry me?"

Silent; And that silent was deafening. Nobody uttered a word and all of their gaze turned towards the younger one as if waiting for his answer.

Jungkook felt like his heart just jumped out of his rib cage and started to run all around inside his body in the speed of 60 miles per hour. He stood there frozen, trying to make at least sound from his throat.

Jin got a bit uncomfortable by the continues silence. Does he like it? Is he happy about it? Or...does he hate it by any chance? Oh please god don't emba...."

"I do." a small voice interrupted everyone's thoughts.

Jin looked at him with eyes which screamed that he wanted to hear it right.

"I do." Jungkook said for the second time, a bit louder.

"S-Say it again Kookie." Jin barely mouthed the sentence.

"I DO LIKE TO MARRY YOU JINNIE." Jungkook shouted with his all might.

Everyone clapped and cheered around the room hearing it. Jin slowly got up, not breaking the gaze on Jungkook's eyes then closed the distance. He held out his hand for the other's and Jungkook gladly gave his. Jin pulled the ring out of the box and smoothly inserted it into Jungkook's ring finger.

The claps and shouts got high pitched when Jin pulled Jungkook into a bear hug. This was what both of them wanted...for a long time. 

"Thank you Kookie, I promise I'll always protect you." whispered Jin in his ear while tears gathered up in Jungkook's eyes. He was so happy; actually more than happy. He loved Jin with his whole heart and he knew he's ready to sacrifice anything for him.

He's the one for him.

Jin slowly pulled out of the hug and looked into Jungkook's eyes. He wiped the tears on the younger's face with his thumb.

"Why are you crying honey?" he asked even though he knew the exact answer.

Jungkook sniffed. "It's j-just....I am so happy."

Jin smiled warmly. "Me too."

They looked at each other for sometime until Jin talked.

"Jungkookie, let's have some private time outside. It's noisy here."

Jungkook nodded and intertwined their hands together. They walked out of the crowd and stepped into the garden. 

The soft moon light shone down upon the garden and mixed with the light of candles. The roses gave a slight fragrance around. It was like the whole surroundings are giving their blessings to the loving couple.

Jin walked over to a bench and sat there patting onto his side to signal the other to sit. Jungkook sat and leaned his head onto Jin's shoulder lovingly. Their hands clasped together on Jin's lap.

"Isn't it beautiful here?" asked Jin looking up at the full moon.

"Hmm..." hummed Jungkook staring at their hands. It felt so nice than before because the ring added something more to the gesture, which can't be explained by words.

"So, how are you feeling?" asked Jin turning his gaze back to Jungkook's face.

"I am so happy Jinnie." said Jungkook. "It's like I've won everything I had wished for. I can't believe Seokjin's going to be my husband." Jungkook blushed at the final part.

"Me too." Jin caressed his hand with a thumb. " I even felt like I don't deserve to take such an angel's hand but... I guess I'm lucky to have your love back."

"You know, I feel the same way."

Jin titled his head and kissed Jungkook's soft petal like lips. Jungkook closed his eyes. The kiss was short yet sweet. It radiated love and only love; Nothing else.

After a while Jin pulled out and looked into Jungkook's eyes which held a whole galaxy of stars in them.

"Did you know how much I loved you? The last few months had been like a crazy dream for me. I think it's because I've never loved someone before. I used to date a lot but none of them fitted me right. No one could make mu heart flutter whenever I see them, no one could keep me awake all night and think about them, no one could enter my dreams and make me smile in sleep, no one could make me feel the urge to protect them, care for them. And no one was able to make me feel like he or she's the one for me. It's all you, Jungkookie. You are the who did all those things to me."

Jungkook listened to his speech while his eyes wetted with tears. Every single word he said glittered with honesty. He believed Jin from his whole heart.

"I-I love you s-so much." he stuttered through sobs.

Jin hugged him and rocked back and forth. "I know, I love you too. You means a lot to me."

They stayed like that for a while until Jungkook's sobs stop and he settle down. Jin inhaled the sweet smell coming from Jungkook and sighed. 

"We'll be marrying next month," he said after a while. He looked at Jungkook's face to see his response. "Is there enough time for you to prepare?"

Jungkook nodded turning red. "I don't care about the time."

"Then, how about tomorrow?" asked Jin grinning like a kid.

Jungkook hit his arm lightly. "Come on Jinnie."

Jin laughed. "Alright sweetheart, so what about our honeymoon? Where would you like to go?"

Jungkook turned bright red as he hid his face in the crook of Jin's neck. "Jinnn...." he whined shyly.

"Kook honey, it must be a best place you know. You are gonna be mine there."

"Pervert.." chuckled Jungkook against his skin.

"Don't be afraid Jungkookie. I'm gonna wait for it as long as you want, I'm not going to hurry you for such things."

Jungkook pulled back and scoffed. "Then what about that day inside the car?" he lifted his brow playfully.

"Aw...It was just a make out session baby, nothing big." Jin said laughing.

Jungkook smiled and hugged the other. "I don't care about those 'cause I know you love me. I'm all yours."

"I'll surprise you with the honeymoon thingee." said Jin. "It will remain as a secret till you reach there."

"Enough surprises Jinnie, your surprises cost a fortune."

"And they all are just for you."

"I only wanted your love."

"And I'm giving it as much as I can baby."

"I know."

"That's settled then."

With that Jin once again brought his lips to Jungkook's.


(A/N: Does my couple talks feel so unreal? Like, no one can be this serious right? Anyway, since it's a love story I just have to add some lovely dovely parts. :) )

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