9. Hot chocolate talk

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"Jungkook, where are you going?" asked his mother looking at the boy who was busy trying a new  hair style for the hundredth time in front of the mirror.  He came home early from work that day. "And where did you get those stock of clothes?"

"An old friend gave me those. And, I'm going to meet him now." said Jungkook still concentrated on his look from the mirror. 

"Friend? Who's that rich friend even I don't know?

Jungkook stopped examining his appearance and turned to his mother. "Actually..It's Jin."

Mrs.Jeon's eyes went wide with surprise. "J-Jin? You mean Kim Seokjin?"

Jungkook nodded tensed. He wasn't sure how his mother would comment on their reunion because they were in completely different classes. Just like he suspected, his mother disliked it.

"Jungkook, I know you loved him in collage but.. It's not good enough to keep a connection with someone like that. He's famed person in our country so.. I don't think his family would accept you as a friend.."

Jungkook knew it alright. But he couldn't help being happy about encountering with Jin again, at least as a friend.

"Jungkook... I know It's not right to be bossy about your life anymore but..I don't want to see you hurt. Just..be careful alright?"

Jungkook looked into her eyes which were so concern for him. He wondered if he was doing the right thing when the doorbell rang shrilly.

Both Jungkook and Mrs.Jeon looked at the direction. 

"Mom.." said Jungkook going over to the bed where she was sitting. "I promise I won't get into trouble."

Mrs.Jeon nodded and pulled his hand softly to place a kiss on his forehead.

Jungkook stand up straight and after getting a deep breathe, went to open the door. There stood Jin smiling all over his face and of course he was stunning. Jungkook forgot to breathe for a second and same was to Jin.

After a while Jin cleared his throat. "Um.. So, are you ready?"

"Y-yeah.." stammered Jungkook breaking his gaze which was on the other's broad shoulders.

"Well...before we go, um... can I talk to your mother please? It would be rude not to."

Jungkook thought if it would be okay to lent him but before he even answer Jin came inside and was checking for the rooms. He seemed totally like an outsider to that house with that expensive dress.

"Where is she?" Jin asked looking back at Jungkook.

"Uh..in that room" said Jungkook pointing to where the bedroom was. 

Jin walked over to the room and stopped at the entrance. "Mrs.Jeon?"

Jungkook heard his mom saying. "Oh my, Mr.Kim?"

Jin went in while Jungkook also tip-toed behind him. 

"Call me Jin aunty." said Jin flashing his infamous breath-taking plump smile.

"Okay Jin son," said Mrs.Jeon smiling. "Jungkook, bring him a chair to sit."

"Oh no no aunty, I'm just staying here for a while to ask you if it's okay to take Jungkook with me for a coffee shop nearby. Well...I just ran into him recently and wanted to talk with him about you know, about our collage life and stuff."

Mrs.Jeon nodded doubtfully. She knew from his eyes that it's not what he really want and hoped Jungkook won't fall for him again break his heart at the end. Most of those rich brats throw away their lovers like shoes when they get out of usage.

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