11.Spill the beans

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The bell above the door tingled as the two brothers entered the shop. Jin didn't wear a mask this time 'cause there was nobody left at the restaurant except for Jimin and two workers.

"Jimin-ah, hi!!" squealed Tae stretching his arms towards  the other from the wheel chair.

"Hi Tae" said Jimin smiling as he bend over to receive the hug. After they pulled apart he looked at Jin who was staring at the far corner seat where he and Jungkook once sat.

"Jin hyung?" said Jimin breaking Jin's gaze towards him. "You guys want some late dinner? I'm sorry to say but we don't have much to serve as we were gonna close soon."

"Oh," said Jin looking at Tae. "Tae wanted to come here so I don't think he would mind about what's left"

"It's okay Jimin." said Tae showing his boxy smile. "Let's get a seat."

Jin and Tae walked over to the corner table they usually sit. Tae sat opposite of Jin and pulled Jimin beside him without Jin seeing it. Jimin raised an eyebrow and then looked over at a waiter who was walking by.

"Hey, Min-Joon...Bring us some noodles and um.. do we have any strawberry milkshake left?"

The waiter nodded and headed towards the counter. After a while he returned with the food.

Before even Jin could get the first bite, his phone started to ring in his pocket. He sighed and put down the chopsticks.

"Excuse me," he said to Jimin and got up to go towards the bathrooms to answer the call.

Tae watched Jin go. As soon as he disappeared around the corner Tae suddenly turned back and gave a quick peck on Jimin's lips, startling him.

"Tae, your hyung will see..." said Jimin pushing the other's arm lightly. However he had a wide smile on his face.

"He will know sooner or later." said Taehyung leaning more closer to Jimin's face. 

"Why don't you tell it yourself?" asked Jimin getting a little back. "Your hyung won't reject me right?"

Taehyung chuckled darkly. "It's not hyung Minnie. It's our dad!"

"Why, your dad's against being gay?" asked Jimin in a worried tone.

"I don't know Minnie.. It's so difficult to accept our choices with him. I'm afraid he would disown us if he sense any false. I have high suspicions that he's got another wife and he's just waiting for the right opportunity to grab all the things away from us."

"But don't your hyung have the same rights for the property?"

"Not much, the company still belongs  to him, My hyung's like an ordinary employee there except for the rank. I'm glad  my dad didn't took him as the coffee boy."

"So... that means...." said Jimin biting his lower lip. "We can't date anymore?"

Tae's eyes widened with shock as he gazed at the taller boy.

"Are you nuts? Of course we are. I will never let you go, no matter what happens. I can't even think about a life without you.."

Jimin smiled and at once sprang forward to hug Taehyung tightly. 

"You're the best boyfriend one could ever have." Jimin said with joy. He pulled back and kissed Tae for a while. They pushed themselves apart while panting and smiling.

"But," said Jimin after he could breathe normally. "You still have to say Jin hyung."

"Alright, alright.." said Tae lifting his hands in defense. "But how?"

"Okay..here's the plan." said Jimin thoughtfully. "Kiss me again when he comes out from the bathroom."

"W-Whatt?" Tae felt a lump in his throat as he blushed of the very thought. Kissing Minnie in front of his hyung? No way..

"If you don't have guts to say it in his face then that's the only way to let him know about our relationship."

"Can't we just wait for some more time, please Minnie?" asked Tae pouting.

"But how long are we gonna hide this? My parents already know so my side is all done and your family gotta know it too, at least your hyung. It has been three months since we started dating and you know you would have to spill the beans someday whether it's for good or bad."

Tae sighed sadly. "Okay, I agree. But you're gonna get the lead this time okay?"

"Sure baby." 

They talked some more and watched the bathroom door time to time. And at a certain point Jin came out of it looking at his phone miserably.


Suddenly Jimin grabbed Tae's face and pulled him into a deep passionate kiss. Jin was walking over to them and was about to talk to Tae when he saw the mind-blowing scene.

Jin's jaw dropped down as his phone slipped from his fingertips and fell on the ground with a thud.

Jin stood there gaping for a while until he came back to his senses. And wtf.. those two were still eating their faces off clinging onto each other.

"Hey, YOU TWO!!" shrieked Jin from top of his lungs making the hot couple jump apart. The younger two looked at him in fear while panting heavily.

"What are you doing?" shouted Jin towering over the scared boys. "Explain, RIGHT NOW!"

"I-I..." stammered Tae when Jimin stood up to speak.

"Jin hyung, we have a-a relationship..We were gonna tell you but..."

"How long?" asked Jin firmly, but not as harsh as before. He sat across the two and signaled Jimin to do the same. 

" About three months..?"

Jin nodded in acceptance. He knew someday he would have to let Tae find his happiness. But..

"Hyung, you're okay with this, right?" asked Taehyung in a tiny voice.

"Uh, yeah yeah. You guys are great together but..... will dad allow this?"

"He know we are gay right hyung?" asked Tae with uneasy. "You used to date boys back then"

"Yeah, but I doubt if dad would allow us to... um.. marry a boy?"

Jimin nearly chocked on his milkshake hearing that and Tae blushed like the color of it.

Jin chuckled looking at the stunned boys. "You guys aren't being one night stands right?"

"Hyung...." whined Tae turning to purple.

"Alright, alright..." said Jin smiling. "I gave you my permission, happy?"

Tae and Jimin nodded like five year olds and hugged each other laughing.

Even Jin's happy for them, he felt an emptiness in his heart. Why can't he himself find a one to be there for him? Why can't he find his love of life?

He knew it's none other than the sweet magician boy he met but he's not in good terms with him right then. How's he gonna make things right?

Idea! Let's save it for tomorrow!


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