19. Not Over Yet

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Jin quickly lifted the shocked Jungkook off his lap and placed on the sofa. He got up and bowed her.

"Good evening Aunty!"

Mrs.Jeon looked at him like she'd just heard a bad word. 

"How dare you come again to meet my son when he said not to?" she growled coming towards them. "And do you know Jungkook already have a fiance?"

Jin was confused by her response. He thought she liked him and what was with her now?

"Mom, you're wrong!!" claimed Jungkook in a stern voice coming standing in front of her. "You were always wrong!!" In the last part his voice shook and tears started to come from his eyes.

Mrs.Jeon scowled at him "What has happened to you Jungkook? Where is Seo-Joon? You didn't go to the date with him right? You stayed with this brat all the...."

"Stop it mom!! Stop talking about that asshole." shrieked Jungkook in anger. "Did you know what he tried to do tonight? Did you know that dirty piece of shit tried to destroy me? Did you???"

Mrs.Jeon's rude face turned into a perplex one. 

"Y-You are lying right? You are doing this to get back to..."

"No I'm damn not!!" shouted Jungkook shaking his mother by shoulders as tears ran down his face endlessly. "He only wanted to fuck me all this time. He's a son of a bitch.."

"W-what are y-you trying to say Jungkook? What happened?"

"He tried to rape me today a-and... Jin was the one who saved me. He saved my life mom. I owe him my whole life for that."

Mrs.Jeon stood there looking at Jungkook trying to process what he just said. She knew his son never lie to her. She turned her teary eyes towards Jin slowly and talked in a shaky voice.

"J-Jin son.. I-is that t-true?"

Jin nodded solemnly not knowing what to say in that awkward situation. 

Mrs.Jeon came over to Jin and suddenly knelt down near his feet, putting both her hands together.

"I'm sorry Jin son..." she cried shedding tears. "I'm the one responsible for all of these. I was a fool for not understanding you properly. Please forgive me for moving Jungkook away from you. Please forgive me!!"

Jin's heart ached at the sight. He didn't understand what she was saying but quickly bent over and picked her up.

"Aunty, please get up. It'll be a sin if I let you kneel in front of me. And for what are you apologizing?"

Mrs.Jeon looked down in agony as she explained.

"I'm the one who told Jungkook to break up with you. I thought....I thought that you only loved h-him for .. for s-sex as most of the rich people would do. But now I know that's bullshit. I know you two loved each other more than anything. I'm sorry for being so mean to you Jin son and...you too Jungkook." She said the last part looking at his son.

Jin couldn't even believe his own ears when he heard the confession. He didn't suspect that Jungkook's nice mom would do something horrible like that, even a tiny bit. Jin's eyes filled with tears of hurt as he stood there speechless.

"Please Jin son." she said holding Jin's hand. "Please forgive me and love Jungkook back. You can't even imagine how much he cried for you. He loves you so much son. Please don't reject him for my god damn fault. Please give him a chance."

Jin wanted to snap his hand back but a part of his heart said not to. Because that won't solve things. There's also saying, 'Making mistakes is a human trait; Forgiveness is a divine quality'.

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