Chapter 38- Simon

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I started walking back to Alicante. As I walked past the wards, which Magnus told me was called the Gard, I saw windows near the ground. I look in one and saw a pale figure talking to someone.

I recognized his hair and face. "Simon..."

Both figures turned around. The other somehow blended with the darkness more than Simon though.

He choked a bit. I saw blood on his shirt and in a flask. The man saw my eyes widen, making him laugh.

"What did you do to Simon?"

He smirked. "Oh you didn't know? He's a vampire. And since he's a Downworlder, he's stuck here in prison until he acts as a witness to the Lightwoods loyalty to Valentine."

"What? The Lightwoods are Valentine's..."

Simon put his hands up. "No, no, no! They're not! But the Inquisitor wants me to lie! I don't lie! At least not in that way!!"

I tap the bars. "You think I can get you out?"

The man laughed. "Get him out, and I'll go after him. As a matter of fact, every single Downworlder will go after him. There isn't one who'd love to get their hands on you Daylighter."


"You mean Simon can walk in sunlight?"

"What do you think Daylighter means?" Raphael said sarcastically.

Simon spoke up. "Hello! I'm still here!"

I shot him a look, glancing back at the man. "Who are you?"

"Raphael Santiago... second in command of New York's vampire clan"

"Is that supposed to be a high title? Where's your leader?"

"She isn't here at the moment. I'm in charge until she comes back"

I look at Simon. "Raphael, why do you want to get Simon?"

He walked around. "I alone am thinking that walking in daylight is not so much of a gift as others would consider it. We are the Children of the Night for a reason. I consider Simon an abomination to us just as much as humanity considers my kind one"

Simon spoke up. "I never even wanted to be a vampire..."

Raphael exhaled sharply. "Dios mio... look at you complaining! You'll never get sick! You'll never die, never age! You'll be strong and young forever! What are you to complain about!"

"You know it's kinda hard to get into a club when you look 16..."

I held back a laugh.

Raphael continued. "And you'll never give up the sun!"

Simon tried to stand up. "Look, you're telling me to give up all I know. What about you? You go wear a cross every Sunday and go to your mother's house. And you're telling me to leave my old life behind?! I believe thats..."

"I don't care what you believe, it's what I believe in! A true vampire knows he's dead. He accepts his death. But you... you still consider yourself one of the living. That's what makes you dangerous. You don't want to believe that you're already dead"

With that, Raphael disappeared. Simon looked extremely tired. "Did you drink enough blood?"

"No... Isabelle is nice but this isn't enough" He shook the flask.

I look out the barrier to my left and right. No one's around.

"Here Simon." I pull up my sleeve. "Drink some of my blood."

His eyes shot up. "No! No... I can't Juliet. I'm not doing that again... you're a mundane... a human"

"I don't know that yet. Please Simon hurry.... before someone shows up..."

He crawled to the window slowly. Letting his fangs come out, he bit through my wrist. I let him drink my blood for awhile, until I felt dizzy.

He let go and fell on his back.


"No problem Simon. New Yorkers stick together, am I right?"

He smiled. "Yeah. Get out of here before someone sees you!"

"But.. I gotta set you free..."

"GO NOW!!!!"

I ran away from the Gard to Amatis' house. She was eating dinner with Chelsea. She saw me as I took a seat. "Sorry I'm late Amatis."

"Doesn't matter. You're earlier than Clary."

"She lives here?"

"Yeah... hurry and eat. I'll show you to your room"

I ate my potatos and steak.

She took us to small room about the size of a closet. Maybe a bit bigger. I let Chelsea sleep as I thought in my head...

Will I ever find peace here? Or will this lead me to a bigger problem..

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