Chapter 10- A New Book

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Walking through the streets, I see the world clearly now. For what it truly is...

I don't like it. To know the truth. Everything is not the how I was raised to see it as anymore.

Now I see destruction.

Demons luring humans to their deaths. Humans, turning into clouds of smoke. Fairies dancing within the flowers. Men and women's eyes the color of amber, attached to the ever glowing moon.

Humans that blend with the darkness, making the innocent scream as their blood drains...

I walk farther away from Manhattan. Though I feel like it's a mistake. Something is telling me to go and seek the source of the light. But I don't want any harm to come to my sister.

By the time I reach the Harbor, it was morning. The sky carried all shades of yellow and orange. It looked beautiful, too bad I won't have a pic of it.

I grabbed my phone, glanced through all of the numbers. I see my parents' numbers. Caterina's. James and Mathew.... my closest friends.

A shame I won't see them anymore.

I threw the phone as far away as I could. I watched as its sequined case sunk down to the bottom of the Harbor. My sister stared at me with shock.

"We gave you that for your birthday Juliet..."

I gave her a hug. "I know. But it broke Chelsea."

I hate lying to her.

Good thing I took out the money in my phone though.

I wonder how much $200 will take me....

I go to a giant cargo ship. I see a man who looks like the captain. I walk up to him and smiled. "Sir, I need some help. You see, I'm on my way to Europe and on the way my parents were killed. Here. In the city. I wish to leave. Here"

I showed him the $200.

"If you can get me to the closest port in Europe, doesn't matter where, I will be forever in your debt"

The captain smiled and took the money. Next thing I knew we were sailing towards London.

They gave us food, water and a place to sleep. While walking along the deck, the man in front of me dropped a book.

I look at the person, one of the crew members. He gave me a smile before flinging himself off the ship and into the cold Atlantic water.

No one seemed to notice.

It had a velvet cover with golden letters scrawled upon the front:

The Codex

I opened the book and began to read...

Congratulations, you are a Shadowhunter.....

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