Chapter 32- The Ones From Pandemonium

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Without another word, Clary left the house. I wanted to go after her, but she looked sad. I guess she needs time alone.

I look at Max and Chelsea. They were complete strangers... now they're playing together...

Chelsea looked at Max. "I'm from New York"

Max gleamed. "Me too! What part?"

"The Big Apple"

"Same here... wanna play swords? I got some wooden ones in my room."

Chelsea smiled. "Sure!"

She stood up when a shattering sound came from the room. Max held Chelsea behind her as I ran into the room, my hand reaching the hilt of my seraph blade.

A window was shattered completely. Two boys, one with blonde hair and another with black, stood next to the window. Isabelle gasped when she saw me.

I looked at the blonde boy's hand. It was in a fist, small dust of glass was on his arm.

He stared at me. "You... you're that mundane from New York... the one that demon almost killed."

He walked toward me. I took out my seraph blade. "Not a step closer Nephilim"

Isabelle grabbed the boy. "Jace it's okay... She's after Valentine too."

He laughed. It was like a mocking laugh. "What joy that brings! A mundane who's playing Shadowhunter is after one of the Clave's most wanted!"

I lunged the blade forward. He grabbed it, making me kick his back. He pushed me into the other room.

I blocked his punch and saw a glint of blood flowing from his arm. I kicked his arm. He yelled out. 

Chelsea looked at him and summoned a bunch of knotted handkerchiefs at Jace, binding his wrists together.

Max held Chelsea's hand. "It's okay. Jace stop hurting my friends"

He was struggling with the handkerchiefs. I placed the seraph blade on his throat. "Look Jace. I'm not a mundane. On the contrary, I have to have angel blood to be able to get through the wards yes? Valentine killed my parents and sent Abbadon to kill me and my sister. He's going to pay for what he did. That's why I'm here. To avenge my parents and find out who I am. Nothing else. Got it?"

He nodded. Chelsea made the handkerchiefs disappear. The black haired boy looked at Jace with worry. "Stop getting yourself into trouble Jace... I'm Alec. And you?"

"Juliet... Juliet Brighton"

Chelsea spoke up. "I'm Chelsea! Ragnor took us here! I like his green skin! He told me to say this spell when we're done talking with you guys to go meet up with him at his house." Chelsea closed her eyes and said the spell.

I shot her a look as a portal appeared.

I look at Jace and the others. "I'll see you guys tonight. I need more answers."

I turn and see Max place a ring on Chelsea's finger. I see a detailed 'L' on the ring, surrounded by fire. The portal started to close.

We ran in, appearing into a nice little garden.

Ragnor stood in front of us. He smiled. "There you are! You guys took awhile. Come! Let's get some rest"

* I put up a drawing of Max and Chelsea together aren't they so cute! (I didn't wanna out glasses on Max. Idk I was lazy) *

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