Chapter 16- To France

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Now I've completely recovered. Ragnor still wants me to stay though. I guess he's just lonely. But I have to go. I need to find the truth.

I stood in the drawing room with Ragnor and Chelsea. She was sad to leave too, but we have to do this. Whoever was looking for us, probably tracked us here. I don't want Ragnor hurt because of me.

"Ragnor Fell.... thank you for everything you've done. I thank you for teaching conjuring spells to Chelsea. I thank you for healing me and protecting us from those who are after us. But we have to go. If we are found here with you, chances are that they'll hurt you. I don't want that."

He stared at the ground for a moment. I felt bad. I mean I would've felt the same way. You're taking care if two children and they suddenly want to leave in fear of your safety.

He sighed. "Here" He gave me an envelope. "There's a thousand pounds in there. It's enough for 100 ferry rides to France and back..... Idris remember is in the intersection of France, Germany and Switzerland. Good luck Juliet"

He stood up and kissed my forehead. I gave him a hug. Chelsea came and joined it too. I heard Ragnor sniff. He's crying?

We left his home and went in line for a ferry ride. Everyone was staring at me. I think it's because of my weapons. I don't know how to glamour them..

When it was our turn at the payment booth, I gave him £10

£5 for me.

£5 for Chelsea.

He gave us our tickets and we went to the next line. It took about an hour or so, until we could get on a ferry. We sat closer to the edge, where no one sits. I wonder why?

Are they afraid of falling into the water?

The ferry ride was quiet and boring. I miss Ragnor. I wish I could see him again. As I was lost in my thoughts again, Chelsea went against the railing. I heard her saying hi to someone.

I went to her and saw the same mermaid again. The one from the boat encounter. She smiled and threw something at my sister. She caught it, showing a beautiful seashell necklace.

"I was supposed to give it to her that day, but I never saw you guys till now. Oh and elder sister!"

I looked at her. "Yea?"

She threw something my way. I caught a small bag. "In case you and your sister get hurt or your thirsty and famished, mix a gram of it in water and it'll work wonders!"

With that she swam away.

"Thank you"

Some time later, we arrived at a port in Dunkirk, France. We got off and immediately went to a bank. I walked in to see a woman typing quickly on a computer.

"Bonjour! Welcome to bank of Dunkirk! What may I serve you with?"

I took out the envelope. "I have 990 pounds. I was wondering if you could switch this for euros?"

She nodded. "Of course. Let me do it right now. Please take a seat."

I let Chelsea sit in the chair. As we waited, I looked at Chelsea's necklace.... the giant seashell looks a bit popped out. Maybe it can open?

"Ma'am, here is 1, 238 euros. Thoroughly counted."

I take the envelope. "Thank you"

She smiled. "Happy to be of service."

We left the bank and started walking as far as we could. It wasn't that far. We made to a hotel that's about an hour away from the port. We rented a small room for €20.

The room was comfy looking. A small bed for two. A shower, and a coffee maker. I made myself some coffee while Chelsea took a shower.

The coffee isn't that bad, but Ragnor made better....


I wonder how he's doing. I hope nothing happened to him.

When Chelsea finished showering, I showered next, thinking about the Nephilim. Are they gonna welcome me to their land? Or are they going to make sure I don't go near their land ever again?

I don't know what to think now.

I finished showering and saw Chelsea opening and closing the seashell pendant. "Chelsea, what are you doing?"


"What's in the shell?"

"This thing" She took out a small conch-like vial. "And there's a note. Here"

I took the note and read it.

"So Juliet,
You're going to Idris? Good luck. They don't like it when unknown people enter their world. Here's a vial of Nephilim blood. Don't ask where I got it from. In case you can't enter through the wards, place some on you and your sister and you'll be home free!
Stay safe,

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