Chapter 69- The Harp

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It's been a few months... no... more like a few seconds... since the attack on Alicante. I still have to get used to the time change.

For Angels, a thousand years pass like the blink of an eye.

But I blink my eyes and only seconds pass. My father is a very busy person. When I arrived, he was off somewhere. But he left me a harp. It was a nice instrument. I've always wanted to try one out.

My father told me it was also a weapon. So today, I'm trying to figure out how. I was playing a soft song. It was calming, but a part of me wanted to screech in pain. Was it because the song was too holy? I'm not sure. I forget that a part of me is still demonic.

As I kept playing, I heard a soft rustle of wings. I look and see William Herondale... Jace's great great grandfather. He passed during the early 1900's because of old age. What a lucky man. So many young faces have died those few months ago.... I shook the thought away.

William was a very handsome boy... just like Jace. He though, carried the opposite complexions of the boy. William had dark hair while Jace had blonde hair. Natural blonde hair. William had dark blue eyes while Jace's were golden.

Why do the Herondales have to be so hot?


He bowed. "Angeline"

I chuckled. "I'm still getting used to the fact that is my birth name. Why are you here William? You usually don't come to visit at these times..."

"Your harp... I made it"

I widened my eyes. "Really? The harp is so wonderful.... My father tells me it is a weapon also..."

He smiles and nods. "Yes. The music itself is a weapon, since it can detect demons. Like Bach's music."


"But that is not the true weapon."

"Excuse me?"

He laughed. "No. It is not that simple. You see... when you need it the most, only will it's true form show then."

I sighed. "By the Angel"

"You swore your father's name."

"It's stuck to me. You shadowhunters have very catchy phrases."

He smiled. "I just thought I'd show it to you. How is my grandson Jonathan?"

"Alive and well"


"The Starkweather family is gone. But it's extant."


"She is alive and well. I assure you"

He smiled. "And Jem?"


"Brother Zachariah"

"He is alive and well as well. He was your parabatai before, yes?"

He nodded. "Yes..."

"He's okay Will. Don't worry."

"Yea... you're right Jewel. Thank you."

"You know you're the only one here that actually calls me by my mundane name?"

"Well you are part mundane also"

I closed my eyes. I can still remember the time I was a mundane. It was so... plain... but I loved it. I remembered the pain from the wounds the demons and those humans inflicted on me. I remember how it felt... I remember how Sebastian tortured me. I remember how I saw Ragnor die...

Ragnor... he's not here. And I was so sure he was. Raziel won't let me know of his whereabouts. Maybe he's still alive... he is a warlock. An immortal...

"Maybe you're right William... But enough of this. I need to figure this thing out. I sense something will happen and I'd end up needing to use this..."

He bowed again. "Very well, Guardian of the Nephilim. I will leave you off. Farewell"


He flew off. The sky then was barely reaching a silhouette of Twilight. Has it only been a day?

One day...

Loud rustling stopped my thinking. I knew then, that it was my father.

"Raziel... father"

He landed in front of me. Though I am an Archangel also, he still towered over me like a tree to a flower. "Angeline... you still haven't figured out that harp.."

I shook my head. "Not exactly. But I will"

He smiled, his golden eyes shining brighter. "Good. It has been a long day. Let us rest."

"May I ask what your business was, father?"

He remained silent. I looked at him, not liking his silence. "Father, please answer me."

"The Nephilim are in danger again."

"Why can't I sense it?"

"You are my daughter. I can keep you from seeing things."

"Father, I am their Guardian. If something happens, it will be my head. You cannot be doing this to me!"

He bowed his head... possibly in shame. "I am sorry. But as I've said before.... a millenia in the human world is but a blink of the eyes to us. It's been months since the battle at the City of Glass to them. But to us a mere day. Angeline, you are still learning how to handle your angelic self. I do not wish to thrust upon you your responsibility so quickly."

".... Father... I've been given this task since my birth. I have not been given it. But been born with it. The Nephilim are my people. Our people. I, above all others and you also, have to protect them. It's my duty.... my destiny. If my friends or my mundane sister are in danger..."

He waved his hand. "Alright. Very well"

Something came over me, and I suddenly felt pain. As if I were being tortured again... and again... and again.

"They're suffering"

"I'm sorry Angeline. But there is nothing we can do. We must be summoned for help. Until then..."

He grabs the harp and gives it to me. "You have little time to figure this out"

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