Chapter 9- Just Me and You Now

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The blade lit up so vibrantly, I felt my eyes burn at its brightness. But something else burned.


As Raziel's light touched him, Abbadon jerked and screeched, as if the light were shocks of electricity. That's when I striked. I stabbed him well through his chest, piercing his alleged heart.

He looked at me with disgust. "You... Juliet... You will regret doing this"

With that, he disappeared.

I walked out of the mansion to my father. He was slowly starting to rise, but he did not move any more.

I ran to him. "Aaron..."

"So you know the truth... Carol, is she..."

I brought my head down. He placed his hand on my head.

"I felt her disappearance. I shall he joining her soon... Juliet, take your sister to Europe. Find the truth.... The demon you slew, will be back. He is not done. He has taken me to give me to a man named Valentine... I've never met him. But I believe he is on his way. Leave me here. I will not survive.... I am sorry Juliet. For not telling you the truth."

I hug him. "Don't be sorry dad... Thank you for telling me. I am not angry."

I felt his tears as he went limp in my arms. I let myself cry. "I love you dad"

I slowly closed my eyes as I laid him down. I went back to the church to see most of its equipment gone. Someone was here.... but who?

Doesn't matter. I grab two more blades and some more daggers.

Back at the hospital, I see Caterina in the waiting room. Chelsea was sitting next to her, drawing on her clipboard.


"Caterina, cover her ears."

She cupped Chelsea's ears.

"What happened Juliet?"

I sat down. "They're dead. My parents. In the hands of demons. My mother died of a human demon. And my father by a Greater Demon."

Caterina's eyebrows drew together. "Who was the Greater Demon?"

"Abbadon... I believe I killed him"

She laughed. I've never heard her laugh before... It's so... strong.

"Demons don't die. Since Abbadon disappeared, he's gathering his strength. So you made his body become scattered throughout the void. It will take centuries for him to come back to Earth as he appeared.... what else happened?"

"Aaron talked of a man named Valentine...."

Caterina's eyes shot up. "Valentine... Valentine Morgenstern?!"

"Why are you so surprised?"

"In the Shadow World, Valentine Morgenstern has stirred great conflict between Nephilim and Downworlders. He stole a sacred artifact from the Nephilim. He's a wanted man"

"Why would he want me? Or my father?"

"I don't know. You must be very special"

"I guess.... I will departing soon Caterina. I'm going to Europe to find out where I came from.... since Aaron and Carol found me there"

"Were they specific of the location?"

"No...all they said was Europe. I will leave when I finish getting more information of this...Valentine"

"Good luck with that. No one will tell you what you want to hear. Especially the Downworlders.... The Fair Folk, vampires, werewolves, warlocks... there is one man, two at that, good friends of mine, who can help you."

"Who are they?"

"Magnus Bane... Ragnor Fell... Magnus can be found here in Brooklyn. Ragnor in Europe."

I stood up to leave. "Wait Juliet! Magnus doesn't like it when people just barge in to his home! He's the High Warlock of Brooklyn! No one messes with him!"

"I just want to see what he knows... I'll see you soon. I'm taking Chelsea with me"

I take my sister and leave the hospital. I check into this hotel and let my sister sleep on the lumpy mattress.

I look at the sky. The dark dark sky. I felt tears go down my face.

I will avenge you Aaron and Carol.... mom and dad...

*Updated!! Thanks to all those readers who love my story!

Special thanks to @ttella123

For dedicating me on her TMI fanfic

Who is She

it's sooo cool!!! you must read it! M-U-S-T read it!!!!

I'll update soon kiddies!


- Amber *

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