Breakfast in Bed (M/M)

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Summary: Niragi's hungover after a hell of a night.

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Niragi woke up feeling someone on him, sound asleep and presumably comfortable. He harshly moved his boyfriend aside so he could get out of bed and go to the bathroom. While he walked to the bathroom, Niragi felt himself get nauseous. He stopped in his tracks and bent over, feeling something form in his throat.

"Fucker, wake up."

"I woke up when you—what the fuck are you doing?"

"What does it look like, bitch?"

Niragi almost threw up but made it in time to the toilet, letting it all out once he knelt down.

"That's why you shouldn't drink that much when we go out."

"Shut the fuck up. I know how to, handle liquor—"

Niragi was cut off by more vomit coming out of him, filling the toilet with it. As his boyfriend threw his guts up, Chishiya called his best friend, Kuina Hikari.

"Good morning, Kuina."

"Hey, Chishiya. What're you calling me this early for?"

"Guess who's sick."


"I wish. Then I wouldn't have to go to a meeting later on. But this idiot fucked himself up last night and is now sick. Remember when he had all of those drinks around him?"

"Those were all his?"

"Some were mine, but the majority of those glasses were his. I told him to not drink them all but, of course, he ended up doing the opposite of what I said."

"Of course, he did, Chishiya. You can't expect guys like him to listen to people like you."

"I know that, Kuina. Anyway, lunch is still a go since the meeting is before our scheduled time."

"Perfect. I'll let everyone else know. Is Niragi coming by any chance?"


"Make sure he doesn't order more than one drink."

"I'll try. Bye."

"Bye. See you later."

Chishiya hung up before heading to the bathroom, seeing Niragi in the corner. He was fatigued and still nauseous.

"You need to stop drinking like you don't have any common fucking sense. I'm not about to be your babysitter whenever this shit happens either."

"I don't want to hear your mouth. Go make me breakfast, bitch."

"Only if you promise to not order twenty fucking drinks."

"I'll try but that's not guaranteed."

— — — — — —

After showering but ending up back in bed, Niragi was trying to relax his body. He didn't want to eat a bunch of shit and upset his stomach even more. But it was rumbling, hungry for food.

"Is breakfast done?"


Chishiya came in with a tray filled with what he made, along with a cup of orange juice. Toast with strawberry jelly on the side, a bowl of fruit—it was small but delicious. He placed the tray on Niragi's legs, making him jerk up and sit on the pillows behind him.

"You should've waited until I sat up, bitch."

Niragi grabbed a piece of toast and took a bite, hearing the crunch and letting his tastebuds taste the delicacy.

"...Shit, it's not bad. It's edible."

"This should hold you up until we go to lunch."

Niragi finished eating everything and was now drinking the glass of orange juice.

"Do you feel better?"

"...Duh. This orange juice is so fucking good."

"After you're done with that, go get ready. Even though I'll be back in about an hour, you should be clean and dressed."

"I'm not about to follow your orders like a goddamn teacher."

"Shower and get dressed or I'm not cooking for you tonight."

"...Fine, you bitch."

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