It's Cold (M/M)

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Summary: Niragi and Chishiya share a scarf.

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Tokyo was frozen. Snow fell from the sky, while piles of it were on the ground. A group of friends were outside and noticed how beautiful the snow was. They were bundled up and prepared to face this type of weather. Well, most of them were.

"It's cold as shit and you guys decide to come out and enjoy it?"

"Yeah. We do this every time the first snow falls."

"...You guys are fucking weird."

"Are you complaining about being cold again, Niragi?"

"I'm going to keep complaining until we go inside. I want to jump in a pit of fucking fire."

"If it bothers you that much, then I can share my scarf with you. Your neck looks cold, y'know."

"I'm not about to share shit with you, Chishiya."

"Either share with Chishiya or you'll be six feet under because I'm not about to hear you complain again. So go share with your boyfriend."

"That short-ass blonde isn't—"

Chishiya wrapped Niragi's neck in part of his scarf.

"...I hate you."

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