You First (M/M)

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Summary: Chishiya tries to make Niragi admit something. And, of course, he succeeds.

Requested by A_messy_poet on AO3 :))

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Chishiya's always been a curious cat and a straightforward one at that. He never hides around the bush about stuff, so nine times out of ten you'll hear his honest opinion on certain stuff. And yes, that includes romantic stuff. Whenever romance is even a topic in a conversation or a discussion, his straightforwardness breaks people's hearts every time. He'll admit that he doesn't like someone or isn't interested and won't give a single fuck about their feelings.

Yet one day, he was curious about someone's feelings toward him. He couldn't understand why he was so curious about this idiot's feelings, but he knew he would receive an answer from the taller one sooner or later. As he surveyed the beach after the primary hours, he found the person he was looking for.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

"I'm taking a breather."

"Your bitch ass always says that whenever I catch you being weird."

"I know I do."

"...You're creeping the fuck out of me. Go back to wherever you came from."

"I wish I could but here we are. We're stuck together in this hellhole of a place."

"What do you want?"

"I want you to tell me something."

"What is it? I'm trying to keep this damn place in check and you keep ruining it."

"How. Does my presence annoy you?"

"Of course smartass."

"Anyway, I need you to answer this. You like me, don't you?"

"...Fuck no. Why would I like someone like you."

"Because your conversation earlier really told me what I needed to know."

"...What conversation—"

"The one with yourself should ring a bell by now."

The conversation Niragi had with himself—in the mirror—was too revealing. It told Chishiya everything he needed to know, from his insecurities down to who he liked.



Chishiya walked up to Niragi, making him bump his back into a wall. He suddenly went quiet, letting his facial expressions be his temporary voice.

"You always go quiet whenever I call you out, Niragi. Are you that intimidated by me?"

"...No. Fuck no. If I was intimidated by you in the first place—"

Chishiya didn't want to hear any more excuses come from Niragi's mouth. So, to make his ass shut up, he connected his lips with the taller one, making him tilt his head down a little bit. The space between them soon disappeared, being replaced by hands and faint breaths. After a while of making out, Niragi detached himself from the blonde entirely.

"...This feels so fucking weird."

"You think everything feels weird. But isn't that what you wanted?"

"To make out with your ass? No."

"If you didn't want it then why were your hands already on my ass?"

"...Not explaining that."

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