Short (M/M)

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Summary: The short blonde catches Niragi's attention one day.

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Niragi was zoning out in math class, as usual. He was daydreaming about someone he saw in many of his recent dreams, trying to put his tongue on who the person could be. He was drawing an image of the features he remembered before being yelled at, knocking him out of his daydreaming state.

"Niragi, stop sleeping in my class. Otherwise, detention will be your new after-school activity."

He stood straight up and acted like he was paying attention to the board as the teacher went back to teaching. Niragi, of course, immediately went back to daydreaming. He didn't care for math one bit, so why use it? Anyway, he tried to jot down all of the things he remembered before having a finished product.

"Blonde...short hair...CHISHIYA? SHUNTARO CHISHIYA?!"

Niragi couldn't believe his eyes or his thoughts. The person in his dream was the blonde weirdo named Shuntaro Chishiya? The same person he also hates? Niragi looked around the room to spot Chishiya writing in what seemed like his notebook.

"It can't be him...oh no not him..."

Niragi was grossed out by the thought that he had somehow gained a crush on Chishiya, out of all people. He frantically wrote down notes in his notebook about this since he couldn't say it out loud.

"How did I gain a crush on him? OUT OF ALL FREAKING PEOPLE?!"

Niragi knew he had to tell someone at least. But, who could that someone be? He couldn't tell his friends because they would rat him out in an instant, so who were the lucky people that were going to know first? You'd be surprised to know that it would be Kuina, Chishiya's best friend.

"Even though I semi-despise her just like I do with Chishiya, she's the only one I can trust with this kind of stuff."

The bell rang before Niragi could write another note in his notebook. He closed it and got up from his desk before going over to Chishiya and Kuina. They both gave their attention to him.

"What do you want Niragi?"

"I need to talk to you privately Kuina."

Chishiya simply walked away as Kuina went near Niragi.

"What is it?"

"Um...I think..."

"You think what?"

"I think I have a crush on Chishiya."

It went silent between them. The only thing being heard was the classrooms that were filled with students.


"I have a crush on the short blonde dude."

"I know that obviously, but what? When did you figure this out? How did this happen?

"Just now during math. I was trying to remember someone who kept appearing in my dreams. When I drew what I remembered from the person's face, it came out to be Chishiya surprisingly."

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