Malewife (M/M)

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Summary: Chishiya's forced to be someone's malewife.

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Being a malewife wasn't hard; but for Chishiya, it was hell. He didn't want to be someone's "wife" for part of his life but had no other choice. It was for the money, until one night. As Chishiya cleaned the spacious house his "husband" owned, he heard keys jingle as the doorknob moved. The front door opened and it revealed Niragi Suguru, the guy he was being a malewife for.

"Where's my slut at?"

"Nowhere to be found."

"Don't start with the smart shit. You want to get paid, remember?"

"Of course. It's the only thing keeping me from not quitting the job since you pay quite well."

Niragi took his coat and shoes off, "What's for dinner."

"The usual since you're picky about every fucking thing."

Chishiya grabbed Niragi's house slippers and dropped them in front of him before continuing with his nightly cleaning. The supposed husband in the "relationship" shoved his feet in his slippers before heading to the living room and plopping on the couch.

"Start cooking, Chishiya. I don't have all night."

The blonde stored the cleaning supplies away and went to the kitchen, preparing to cook chicken, egg, and rice bowls. He searched for the ingredients in their pantry and gathered them together before prepping everything.

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Later, Chishiya's almost done with cooking. He made the final touches before serving the first bowl to Niragi.

"It smells edible."

"Just eat it and shut up."

"I will cut your check and slit your fucking throat if you keep talking to me like I'm a child."

Niragi took his first spoonful, stuffing his mouth with more food as time went on. Minutes later, he was stuffed. The bowl was empty, fully devoured as Chishiya was almost done.

"Was it good."

"Do you not have fucking eyes. Obviously, it was good if I finished it."

Niragi got up from his seat at the counter and went to the bathroom, getting ready to shower. As he locked himself inside the bathroom, Chishiya finished the last bit of his bowl and returned his—plus Niragi's—to the kitchen. He turned the faucet on and let the water run for a few minutes before adding dish soap and turning it back off.

"Why did I choose this job again?"

Chishiya internally kept asking himself questions until he was interrupted by someone's yelling.




Chishiya left the kitchen and headed to the bathroom, annoyed. He walked in to see Niragi sitting on the edge of the bathtub, wearing only a towel around his waist with a pair of slides.

"What did you call me for."

"Grab my phone."

"...You could've gotten your lazy ass up and done that yourself."

"Shut the fuck up and go do what I just said before I cut your check."

"Where is it anyway."

"On the dining table."

Chishiya left the bathroom and returned with Niragi's phone in his possession. He gave the irritating male his phone before attempting to leave.


"What the fuck is it?"

"Get on your knees."


"Don't play with me. Get on your fucking knees."

Chishiya didn't like where this was going. Even though he was supposed to tend to all of Niragi's needs, giving head wasn't in the rules. But he succumbed to Niragi's orders and dropped to his knees after a while. The black-haired individual grabbed Chishiya's chin and forced him to look at him.

"Keep it up with the smart shit and you won't walk out of my place ever again. Now, go back to whatever you were doing."

Niragi harshly let go of Chishiya's chin and got in the shower, clearly not pleased by how that blonde of his was acting.

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