Perspectives (F/F, 3/3)

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Summary: Kuina and Ann go through the struggle of being beta lesbians.



for today: kuina and ann just navigate through the hardships of being everyone's peacemakers while also being lesbians

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Being a lesbian was already viewed as not acceptable by many. But being a lesbian who's also a beta was even worse. That meant that you were looked at as a freak who wasn't important. That's how Kuina and Ann felt when they came out to the world. They felt like they were counselors who helped others but weren't recognized as real people.

That's why they just...kept to themselves, and never opened up to anyone, not even each other. No matter how much they trusted each other. As the days passed, so did the buildup of being everyone's counselor. Kuina immediately grew tired of it, prompting her to shut everyone out of her life; even Ann.

Ann knocked on her door, holding a takeout bag of her girlfriend's favorite food behind her back, "...Kuina?"

The beta immediately recognized Ann's voice, which made her get up and get to the door. She unlocked it, then opened it to reveal (to her girlfriend) how unwell she was. Ann saw the dark eyebags under Kuina's eyes and how messy her hair was. Her tan skin was filled with dirt, suggesting to Ann that she hadn't cleaned herself up in a while.

"...Hey, Ann."

Kuina moved to the side, letting her girlfriend get through. Ann did walk inside and placed the food on a counter before going back to Kuina.

"Kuina...why haven't you reached out to me? I've been worried about you..."

"I know. But, this whole "therapist" thing isn't gonna work anymore. I need help to handle being everyone's key to success. I just...wanna breathe."

"Have you thought about talking to someone about it? Like, me?"

Kuina looked down at the ground, slightly ashamed at not being able to reach out to anyone.



"Because I feel like a burden whenever I open up to people."

"Then imagine how everyone we help feels. They think they're burdens too. But it isn't about what they think. It's about how you feel. You shouldn't have to bottle everything up and then have it erupt like this. You should be able to trust me enough to be vulnerable around me. Isn't that what girlfriends do? Be open with each other at any time?"

Kuina slowly nodded, feeling a tear slip. She saw Ann gesture towards her for a hug and didn't even give it a second thought before she hugged her tight.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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