A Bloody Shot (M/M)

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Summary: Niragi gets shot.

requested by @Urlocalbi_multi-stan <3

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Niragi's horrible at self-defense. That's why he carries a rifle with him at all times. So when an asshole sneaks up from behind and shoots him in the arm, he can't seem to defend himself. He stumbles backward, falling onto the ground below him.

"Finally, someone shot some sense into you."

Chishiya had seen the whole thing play out. He walked over to the injured man, not concerned about how much he was bleeding.

"Just shut the fuck up and help me. And do you even know who did this?"

"I thought you told me to shut up."

"...Forget that. Just answer my damn question."

"I don't know who did it. But I did overhear someone talking about shooting you earlier."


"Again, I don't fucking know."

Chishiya grabbed a nearby med kit and got to work on Niragi's arm. He wrapped it in a bandage and then proceeded to clean the access blood.

"That should hold you up until tomorrow."

"How in the fuck am I supposed to shoot people now."

"I guess you're not doing that for the time being."

"...I fucking hate this."

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End Notes: pretty short unfortunately

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