I'll Defend You, I Guess (M/M)

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Summary: Even though Niragi swears he hates the blonde, he'll defend his ass at all costs. Requested by @Chishiyasofficialwig <3

Notes: i'm back to updating my oneshot works WOOOO

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Even in the most absurd times, people just couldn't stop being creepy for once. I mean shit, lives were a stake yet people still wanted to stalk each other like a predator with their prey. But to explain everything, word got out that Chishiya had a stalker; end of story. Most of the people at The Beach knew, even Niragi. It seemed like he didn't care at first. But after a few days of seeing what was happening to Chishiya, he knew he did slightly care for that bitchass blonde.

One night while surveying the hotel like usual, he saw Chishiya being cornered by a guy and his group of friends. Now usually, when shit like this happened to him, he'd know what to do. But after a few drinks, Chishiya was out like a light. He was literally wobbling on his own two legs, and couldn't even stand up straight. Niragi had to shut this down so he held his rifle out and waved it around.

"What the fuck are y'all doing? It's midnight, go to your rooms."

Immediately, one of the guys got defensive once Niragi stepped in and spoke.

"So? We're adults, we can do whatever the fuck we want whenever."

"Back up from the short-ass blonde or I'll make sure bullets end up in that thick-ass skull of yours."

The guy crossed his arms, clearly not phased by his threat.

"Do it. I dare—"

Niragi didn't even let the poor guy finish his sentence, but oh well. He saw it coming: his death. Once Niragi shot the main guy, all of his friends ran off while his body fell to the floor. The bullet instantly made Chishiya jolt up and slightly realize what was going on.

"...Did you just, do that..."

"Shut up and go to your room, 'Shiya."

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Notes: sumn short lol

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