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Just a human perfectly blending in.

Just a human perfectly blending in

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The night is young when the main house is filled. Those undead creatures that ones existed in myths and fictions, their stories spread across the world from books to films.

Vampires - the hunters of the night.

No one actually knows where they come from. Believers would tell about their existence around, the evidences scattered on their old dusty tables consists of skulls, fangs, and the remains of weapons which vampire hunters held.

No one knows what they really are. What they can and can't eat, what their face looks like, if they sleep in coffins or not - their history is vague. Since humans based their facts on strong evidences, none of them can prove if these creatures really existed.

If one of them exposes their identity, what do you think will happen?

"The young princess had arrived", the father of the small family of three announced, "Are you both ready?"

"Only if Elrin actually have super speed", the eldest of the siblings sassily replied

"I hear you Sundog!", Elrin yelled from her room

The man chuckled, walking past his son while ruffling his hair and onto the wall cabinet, placing his daggers inside.

"Are you sure you're gonna leave it behind?"


"I don't know, it would be weird to see your pockets empty i guess?"

"Dad can live differently if he wants to, and besides it's just a ball right?", the only girl finally showed up with a scowl, both fists stuffed with the puffy skirt of her black ballgown, holding them up for her to walk properly

"Dang you look ugly", Sunoo judged

Though Yuta is fast enough to separate the siblings away before another endless fight starts.

The ride to the main house which located at the mountains took almost an hour, entering the huge black gates which separated the human connection to the hidden world.

The house was built strong and remained on it's roots throughout the years, almost a castle and a house of golds according to humans, but held an unknown history in reality.


The first vampire Varos. Here he lived and raised his twelve children with dignity, ages range from a thousand to hundred.

Presence exposed from the human world, and true form hidden from the naked eye.

"Don't disappoint me Riki"

The said male didn't respond

"You already caused enough trouble. From running a-"

"I'm back, aren't i?", he interjected, "You prepared this much, might as well enjoy it even atleast an hour"

He looked over to his father with a forced smile, walking out of the shadows and onto the eyes of their people


"Dad, did you put a blind on me again?", Elrin asked the moment they stepped in the busy hall

As usual, many had greeted them, the Nakamoto family being known as the Nishimura's right hand. No one had approached her, like always, she's just blending in.

"Just in case", Yuta answered

"I already downed three pills and these fake fangs are annoy-"

"Shush will you, everybody could hear you", the older nagged, shutting the girl

The ball is fancy, of course that's a given. Silver chandeliers hung across the ceiling, candles lit up on walls, countless of black-clothed table adorned the spacious floor on it's sides, empty on the center allowing the people to dance their heart out.

There wasn't any suspicious thing nor a hint of attack.

Just a human perfectly blending in.

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- A blind is like a barrier, put up by vampires to themselves or to others, to hide their feelings, thoughts, or to restrict others to track them or know what they do

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