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There's now way good things will happen on that next time.

There's now way good things will happen on that next time

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It wasn't been long since Jake joined them. It wasn't awkward, but there was an ongoing unpleasant feeling between them.

Jake, as said a loud and sociable guy. He knows how to shift from one topic to another, though all random but he managed to push it easily.

Elrin, in general cannot feel anything. Yes, the pills and blinds do well but not on her own senses. As a result for not letting others read her, she's oblivious to everything to. Though Varos already warned the Nakamoto about it, Elrin was persistent as it was the only way for her to hide. Somehow, it was very useful. As she can't smell the displeasure between the siblings.

"In short, I was the laid back one. But i get very giddy to people whom i am comfortable to. You're one of them Elrin?"

She snorted, "Me? May i remind you we only met two times"

"Ahh yeah so? It's the feeling. You have that aura in you that would pull others to your shoulder"

"I do?"

Nodding, Jake brought his hand up to ruffle her hair, making the girl nag as she hates to fix it all again.

"Is it just me or Riki is very silent right now? You know now that i think of it, you only stopped talking when i came by"

"You're both talking", Riki simply answered

"Yes, but it works for you too"

"I don't know what to say about it"

"So you're saying those hundred topics does not interest you?"

With the younger shaking his head, Jake gasped all baffled, dramatically covering his mouth.

"Omo i didn't know i was that unfunny. But Elrin did laughed once or twice though?"

"Maybe he wasn't in the mood", Elrin suggested, looking over to the vampire on her other side

Riki just shrugged, dismissing himself out of the topic.

"Hmmm now that we had a quiet time, i only noticed Riki's scent all over you. I can't smell anything from you!"

Elrin visibly paled by it, stealing glances on the vampire on her right. She would be glad that the two can't feel how tense and nervous she was, but she wanted him to feel it at the same time.

He can't even read my mind because of Yuta's blind..

"Say, what is your natural scent Elrin? Last i smelt from you it was rose? Kind of"

"Ahh well rose.. wood?", Elrin replied in hesitation, looking over to the blonde who's already surprisingly looking at her

"Ahh maybe i wasn't that exposed enough to scents but i think it was sweet and fancy, isn't it Riki? I bet you already smelt it"

A flashing glint on his eyes was never unnoticed by Riki, causing him to raise a brow. Jake was looking onto him like an innocent kid but his ruby eyes getting lighter by a small percent bugged the blonde so much.

Both vampires shared a knowing look until Riki flashed a small smirk and nodded.

"Yeah, it was indeed sweet and fancy. It's sad that you won't be able to smell it now that my scent is covering it"

"No problem, there is always next time", Jake replied rather too happy as he looked over to the girl, "Next time?"

"Y-yeah.. sure?"

Smiling, he once again glanced at his younger brother and visibly ran his tongue on his fangs, making Riki clench his jaw.

There's now way good things will happen on that next time.

There's now way good things will happen on that next time

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To my dear readers, sorry I was not able to update yesterday bc I attended my class' study group.  But I will be able to update today! 

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