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This was her worst memory.

This was her worst memory

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"Elrin huh?"

Riki immediately halted his tracks and looked over to the side, seeing Jake leaning on one of the pillars holding a rotten apple

"Thought you don't have any interest in dating", he threw the apple which successfully landed on the younger's palm

Riki examined the fruit first, it's color void of any freshness, skin wrinkled and has hints of blacks. He lowly chuckled, easily crushed the apple as it's juices dripped on his firm grip.

"I do have no interest in dating", he only responded, shaking the drops off his hand

"Never seen you smiled like that- and oh for a girl", Jake continuously teased, "Want some advice?"

"If i do want some, i won't be asking you brother"

"Still cocky are we?"

The younger just flashed a small smile, turning on his heel and proceeded to his room.

Jake stayed there, eyes burned red as he stared at the crushed apple on the floor. There's no longer traces of red, looking like a big particle of ash.

Running his tongue on his fangs, he shifted his gazes on the path that the younger took. He smirked.

"That's weird. She smelt too sweet awhile ago"


Riki plopped on his bed after a long bath, his back pressing on the comforts of his soft mattress, sinking in on his weight.

His eyes glued on the plain blue ceiling, it's shade dark, almost the same as the stormy skies. Damp fringe tickling on his eyes, he fluttered them off, getting teary as it relaxes.

I'm so tired, he only realized after being up for two straight days.

Not long while, he finally slept. Multiple visions invaded him like a bunch of distorted videos, some bright, some dark.


Riki walked passed each one of them, wondering if the one's dreaming can see him. He's like a passerby on the streets, only going forward, alone and lost. Though Riki is perfectly used to it. Even since he turned into a full vampire, he can see them — dreams.

Like of lucid dreams, he's in control, his mind awake and his body operating just how he wants to.

He sleeps like this. Visiting dreams, messing with them, having fun with them, casually meeting the dreamer and all.

A loud cry caught his attention, snapping on the other side of the thin, barrier-like wall separating each dreams.

It was very dark, hues of midnight black and blood red. It was terrifying if one may ask, but someone who encounters atleast one dreams like this, he stepped in.

Strong winds immediately hit his body, buildings crashing and leaves rustling. His golden hair swayed, hitting his face, making him annoyed.

"Who dreams like this", he mumbled, continued to walk around while fighting with the wind in the process

He reached in some kind of an abandoned playground, the swings aggressively swaying by itself and the roundabouts turning in the dizzying speed.

His jaw dropped, only realizing that he's in some sort of an amusement park, seeing the seat on the drop tower go up and down in an unsteady manner.

"Wow.. this person must've sinned alot"


Riki's ears perked up on the sudden call, looking everywhere but only saw the sand slowly starting riding with the wind not allowing him to see clearly.


A familiar scent

Riki's eyes widened in a fraction and used his ability to track the person, now seeing golden dusts swirling like a tornado around something... or someone.

Don't tell me, he ran passed it and immediately landed on the clear space, seeing a girl on a white dress. Her jet black hair covered her face as she sat curling on the white ground, shoulders shaking as her sobs filled the spot.


"You grieve alot"

Her breath hitched, surprised by another voice. Slowly raising her head up, their eyes met. Surprise evident on her face, while the vampire remained cool and stern.


He momentarily paused, bothered by how tears cascaded from her red puffy eyes like the saddest waterfall.

"Elrin", he acknowledged, walking towards her as he knelt on one knee, cupping her cheeks, "Why are you here?"

"How are you here?", she asked back

The vampire just flashed a small smile and shifted his hand to her head, looking intently to her brimming orbs.

"Listen to me okay? You'll forget about this and you will wake up. You will wonder why you are crying but you won't think about it further and start your day as usual. You can do that right?"


"Trust me"

Elrin only responded with a nod.

Riki stood while carefully pulling her up, placing his hands on her shoulders as she pushed her back.

They remained their eye contact until her back is an inch close to the tornado, the vampire brushing a tear away from her face for the last time.

"Wake up, Elrin", then he pushed her out — out from this traumatizing place

After a moment the tornado vanished. The buildings, rides, trees, and every part of the place perfectly went back to how it was like nothing happened.

A falling white piece caught his attention, Riki caught it, realizing it was a picture.

He closely looked at it, a burnt film but three faces are still pretty much recognizable.

"Wong Elrin", he mumbled, recognizing a young girl in pink dress and pigtails, at her side are two adults fondly looking at her, and on the back is the sight of the drop tower

Her parents

Riki then looked around, comparing both places. He nodded in understanding.

This was her worst memory. 


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