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How many years has it been? When their eyes met for the first time.

How many years has it been? When a beautiful friendship bloomed?

And how many years has it been? When an unexpected accident happened, resulting a lifetime of relationship?

Actually, how many years has it been since a strong feeling was trapped inside their blossoming hearts? Denying, ignoring it?

“You’re such a coward”, Heesung spat

“A loser”, Jungwon added

“Useless”, Jay joined


Riki clicked his tongue, silencing Sunghoon who just woke up after a long flight from Seoul.

The four male vampires just stared blankly at the youngest of the circle, his blonde hair that gotten much longer carried by the wind, bangs tickled his eyes causing him to huff it away more often. They huddled on his room, though all owned different spots but still one on the topic — making Riki confess to Elrin.

Hell, they didn’t even know how much time the pair wasted, and how much more would they buy just to prepare themselves in another leap of their relationship. They’ll be lying if they aren’t intimate. They hugged and kissed multiple time but no one was brave enough to open it up in another serious topic.

The Nishimura siblings and the Nakamoto son is this close on pushing the two in their own grave.

“What if—“

“What if you’ll get up, fix yourself, buy her flowers or something, and tell her? Like right now?”, Sunghoon directly suggested, that actually sounded like a command

“It’s not easy!”, the blonde retorted

“Oh it is. Just kiss her and tell her you like her. End of the story!”, Heesung confidently said

“Or or buy her wedding rings and say Nakamoto Elrin, be my wife or else”, Jungwon blabbered

“The fuck dude are you confessing or threatening?”, Jay tuts, “Just be yourself Rik, I’m sure she feels the same”

“She does?”

“Uhuh it’s obvious”, Sunghoon confidently answered, “Or you can just stand on the sun and yell ELRIN I LIKE YOU!

His sudden booming voice made the four winced, ripping their heightened hearing while the korean just laughed.

Although the loud confession didn’t only bounced the room, but also to the ears of a girl who just happened to pass by the youngest Nishimura’s room.

So when the door banged open and an all too confused Elrin made her appearance, the five male vampires froze like fishes.

Oh shoot

▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃

“It’s okay Rin, I’m not expecting anything—“

“Hol’up dude i didn’t said anything”

Ouch dudezoned

“What makes you think like that anyway?”


“I mean like.. me... rejecting you?”


Elrin chuckled, fully facing the male and held his hands tight, a wonderful sparkle on her eyes.

“I like you too Riki”(Naol crush back 🙄)

Riki’s eyes widened in fraction, flickering to their clasped hands back to her face to find any hint of jokes, but he just felt butterflies by the adorable look of her glimmering ruby orbs.

“I’m sorry though.. Honestly i didn’t know that such confession and official couply label is still required as we already bonded. Remember? You made us mates, so I’m sorry i didn’t really know that it’s still necessary to step into normal couple level first, or maybe for you? I should’ve asked you if you wanted that”

“No no, believe me you don’t need to apologize. We should’ve talked this out sooner, or maybe me opening this up since I’m also the man here. You don’t need to be sorry and.. I’m actually scared to tell you so.. I’m sorry”

“You don’t need to be sorry too”, Elrin cooed and cupped the male’s cheeks, pressing a feather kiss to his nose knowing that it’ll cheer him up, and it did

He pecked on her lips, leaving a shy smile on his face and pulled her in a tight hug.

“I like you so much Elrin. I still don’t know what exactly love is, but if it is when i feel very excited to see you, missing you even if you’re literally beside me, wanting to hold you more even if we’re already cuddling, or just the feeling of genuine happiness by the thought of you, then yes, i love you. If love is when i want to make you smile, cheer you up when you’re sad, fight everyone who makes you mad, then i love you Elrin”

A drop of tear flowed on her cheek as she snuggled more on his warmth, letting the male hold her as much as he wants to. A warm bubble erupted between them as seconds passed by on each other’s arms, didn’t want to let go.

“If love is me, wanting to sacrifice everything just to thank you and see that wonderful smile on your face, then i love you Riki. If love is me, wanting to cry out your name whenever I’m lonely, call you if I’m missing you, get lost on your alluring eyes when you look at me, throw myself in your arms, then i love you Riki”

“Gosh we’re so cheesy today”

“Right. I wanna puke”

A heartwarming giggle escaped on their lips, though the teasing words are clearly bunch of lies when they still stayed on each other’s tight holds like magnets.

“Hey Elrin just thinking..”


“Do you want a baby?”

“What the f—”

And that there was just the start of a new beginning and a new adventure for both Elrin and Riki.



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