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“But she isn’t yours Riki”

“But she isn’t yours Riki”

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Elrin trapped herself inside her room the next day. Yuta had to barge in and console her, ended up with her crying, apologizing and sleeping in exhaustion.

She woke up in a familiar sky, her head elevated by a soft thing and only noticed that she’s laying in Riki’s lap when she shifted her gaze.

The vampire had greeted her with a smile, his fingers softly brushing her hair sending relaxing comfort on the obvious tired human.

“How’s your sleep?”

(Lol deja vu rn)

“I’m still sleeping”

“Hmm figured so”

Even in this peaceful dream, she feels torn. Even in this beautiful place she is tormented. Why can’t she live in peace? For how long did she have to endure this?

“You can cry”

As if she’s only waiting for those words, hot tears immediately cascaded down her cheeks like waterfalls. Her shoulders aggressively shook as her palm was pressed on her face, preventing the vampire to see how messed up she was.

It was bad, and it was infuriating. Riki stayed silent but in his mind held the most hateful grudge he had for a family.

“Everything will be okay”

“When I’m dead, yes”

“I’ll be with you then”

“Y-you don’t understand anything! Even if you do.. you still can’t”

“I don’t, but i also know accepting all the help around you would make the problem lesser”

“I don’t even know who to trust”

“Yuta.. Sunoo.. and.. me?”

Peeking between the spaces on her fingers she was met with the vampire’s calm ruby eyes, a small smile on his lips.

“Can i really trust you?”

“After all I’ve done to you”, he scoffed, lightly flicking her forehead making her whine, “Of course you can.. just three of us— oh dad too

“Lord Varos?”

“Yeah, he’s helping you since Yuta brought you in us right? So the four of us.. we won’t leave you alone”

A flush of pink hues colored the human’s face, though thankful that it was perfectly hidden by her palms.

Riki shot a brow when he saw her pinky finger slowly lifting up , only laughed when he realized what she meant.

Still he locked the pinky promise, satisfied that a small smile curved her lips.


The summoned vampire is already there when Riki arrived at the island, standing infront of the bush of roses that the human girl always admired.

It’s not a doubt that he saw him coming, judging by the way his lips curved in a smirk.

“You should be here first you know. Is it your habit to make everyone wait for you?”

“Stay away from her”

“You’re saying?”

“Leave Elrin alone, Jake”

An amused laugh escaped from the elder, turning around to face him with a grin.

“Do you actually like her? Like honestly? You?”

“It’s a rule. One shouldn’t touch anything the other owns”

“But she isn’t yours Riki”

“I’m responsible for her. Dad entrusted her to me”

“But you don’t own her brother. Remember? We can’t call someone ours if we hadn’t claimed them. And if i do remember, she didn’t have a mark and she smelt sweeter like a delicious treat. In short, she doesn’t possess any of yours”

A hand gripped his neck the second after, bright red eyes stabbing through his soul and teeth clenched furiously.

The calm air easily shifted in a heavy tension yet Jake remained smiling like an excited kid. Soon, his laughter echoed the silent place, his figure vanishing into thin air.

“You can’t stop me brother~”, his voice echoed on the younger’s ears like a teasing ghost

Riki slumped on the grass infront of the white rose, breaths shaky and fists trembling in anger. He should act faster now. But how? He couldn’t claim her. He didn’t even know if the girl felt the same as him.

↬claiming is an act of bonding ,completing the mating process

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↬claiming is an act of bonding ,completing the mating process. the bonded pair will have their emotional and spiritual senses connected allowing them to feel each others emotions or to feel if their partner is in danger.

↬a mark is an output of the claiming process, mostly a bite mark on the neck, showing that he/she is claimed and cannot be touched.

What a plot twist am I right? Did y'all notice we were giving hints since chapter one that Jake will be the villan here?? Also the same with the trailer! What do you think Jake will do to riki next??  Find out more on the upcoming chapters!!

Sorry for making Jake the bad guy here

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