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“Might as well just kill me”
“Your wish... is my command”

 is my command”

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Another week passed like a bust of wind, cold and crisp as the streets were slowly covered by white snow. Winter came just like that.

Christmas carols filled the rhythmic air, and different hanging lights flickered providing more colors. Trees stood tall and its leaves calmly rustled, stalls and cafes started to fill the smiling people’s hearts with warm coffees and hot chocolates.

The neighborhood is flashing with happiness, though there is still one person who can’t feel the season’s excitement.

It was 2 weeks and another span of day with him missing is already questionable enough. None of the living around her didn’t had anything to say as there is no assurance that it is real.

Elrin kept her nights silent, her dreams colder than the ongoing season. She felt lonely with her father and brother around, and more passive when she’s been talked to. The two vampires didn’t know what to do. None of them knew anything about the Nishimuras ever since they moved out.

Back to Japan where the Nishimura hunters trailed the sudden continuous murders, their suspicions only grew when the victims all have the same death and struggle marks. Authorities were frustrated enough to cover these cases without a single knowledge what they’re dealing with, but the Nishimuras knew that only their kind is capable of doing such things, and they can’t disclose their existence.

Although the suspect is quite obvious, and vampires are also capable of tracing and hunting, none of them saw him— Jake.

It is only obvious as there were no reported missing vampires and the recent one they got is him.

And at the same dark room where the youngest Nishimura laid, nobody knew when he would wake up.


“You don’t want to decorate the tree?”, Sunoo asked as if it was the most shocking case

“You only have to put the star anyway. I’ll be back”, she assured, wearing another layer of thick jacket

“There’s a newly opened cafe down the street, you should check it out while you’re in it”, Yuta informed while settling another tray of cookies in the oven

“I will”, she just smiled and exited the front door


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