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you're the dumbest human I ever know.

(I suggest playing the song Bad Boy by Red Velvet while reading this :)) )

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(I suggest playing the song Bad Boy by Red Velvet while reading this :)) )


"You're pale", Sunoo pointed out, eyes following the girl out of the kitchen, "Are you finally turning into a vampire?"

"Shut up you annoy me", Elrin only spat, disappearing through the front door


"You're back!", Riki grinned from ear to ear, skipping towards the girl in a blue robe

"I'm not gonna stay long"

The vampire only eyed her confusedly

"Why did you do it? How did you know about any of it?"

"One question at a time! But to answer it all, i just.. know it"

"How?", she pushed more

"I told you, i just know", he shrugged, "Is that why you're here?"


"Wait!", he ran infront of her, "We haven't talked much last night"

"There's nothing to talk about"

"Why can't i smell you? I told you, you don't have to hide from me"

"From you, yes. But this isn't your private space", she answered in a lower voice, glancing everywhere from possible lookouts

"There's no one here", he rolled his eyes, "And you really traveled all the way here to ask me just that"

"You don't care"

"I don't, but somehow i pity you. Humans doesn't have a long-lasting energy than us"

"Congratulations", she mocked and maneuvered on the much larger space, but of course the vampire easily blocked her way

"Wong Elrin"

She completely stopped, snapping onto him with furrowed brows

"Before you knock me out with those glares, i have something to ask you"

"If that's—"

"Did Yuta put up a blind on you?"

She just stared at him, lost and confused

"If not then you're the dumbest human i ever know. If yes then that vampire is really out of age"

"elrin! where are you going!?"


"wait i haven't put a bl—"

"later dad!"

"Oh shit"

"See? You're the dumbest"

Elrin looked up at him in panic, her eyes trembling and heart beat hammering on her chest.

Not having a choice, she gripped on the vampire's top, desperately trying to win his favor.

"Get me out of here"

"Hmm?", he stubbornly acted, making the girl cry inside even more

"The pills will wear off any minute now"


"Please! I just have to say it right? Get me out of here please!"

Satisfied, he put up a menacing grin, holding onto her shoulders and stared intently on her brimming orbs

"Now that's not hard to say isn't it? Close your eyes and hold your breath for awhile sweetie, this might hurt your head"

Already out of options, she immediately obeyed, and the atmosphere suddenly changed not too long.

"Open your eyes"

Carefully opening one eye, she found herself standing in a grassland, the wind passing stronger and cold, but a comfortable feeling.

Letting go of the vampire's shirt, she looked around, a mesmerizing sight of a lake infront of them.

"Welcome to my safe place"

"Are we outside Japan?"

"No, but this is strictly hidden"

"Why? How come i haven't saw this before.."

"I bought this land"

"Oh you bo— WHAT!?"

(short chapter for now ig :) )

(short chapter for now ig :) )

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