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Elrin felt like dying.

Just then an angel appeared

Just then an angel appeared

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"Remember, just stay together alright? Sunoo you know what to do", Yuta strictly reminded

"Mhm we can tie our hands together if you want to~"

"I can handle myself", Elrin huffed and looked over to the undead creatures peeking over the opened doors to the main hall, "Is it really required for me to attend?"

"Important or not, i won't let you be home alone anyway. Come on now, Lord Varos might be looking for me"

With Sunoo placing her hand around his arm, they walked in together like conjoined twins, her grip tightening and loosening everytime someone would approach and greet them.

"You don't need to smile, just nod you look stupid"

"You can say that i look awkward instead you little rat"

"How dare you"

"Sunoo! I'm glad you're here, we've been waiting", Heesung appeared out of nowhere, startling the human which caught his attention, "Oh sorry we aren't close and i already got myself in a bad impression. Elrin right? You look nice in red"

"It's fine, it's just me not used to sudden appearances, but yes thank you, you look good in blue too"

"Really, I'm glad! I hesitated for an hour, thank you Elrin!"

"Happy for you two to get along but can we proceed? I'm thirsty"

A grin cruised on the royal vampire's face and grab the younger's arm, dragging him along with Elrin.

"Wine, blood, normal juice, just choose!"

"Gosh thanks", Sunoo exclaimed as he downed a small cup of juice, "Human juices are bland but refreshing, you should serve more of this!"

"Oops sorry we prefer wine though", Heesung chuckled and sipped on his own cup, "Elrin you can try too, there's foods on the table you can just get some and we'll hangout on the attic"

"Oh it's ok"

"Try it, it's safe", Sunoo insisted as he almost shoved the cup of juice on her hold, though she can't curse him as he was worried too, so she did and it was indeed a normal apple juice

"Cool right? Now let's go grab a full plate! Heesung help me carry two more"

In the end, Elrin was dragged on the hangout too, in promise that they will stick together.

A few minutes on the so-called attic— which is really an attic by the way, just renovated and decorated to be comfortably pleasing, Elrin had met eight of the Nishimura siblings.

They are generally nice— gladly as Elrin would die from awkwardness. They are pretty loud and has childlike personalities, betting on games and punish the ones who'll step out from the dares (humanely punishments btw).

Elrin didn't got bored to be exact. She's genuinely happy to be closer than them especially Heesung and Jungwon.

"CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG", they chanted as the liter of wine ended on Jay

Laughter bounced on the four walls when the vampire's face contorted in disgust the moment he downed the bottle to the last drop.

"Wait up, Elrin didn't drank a sip!", the fourth child pointed out, making all eyes shift to hers

Oh no

"Elrin is a feather drinker, we shouldn't", Sunoo excused while shaking his head

"Come on just one cup! Jungwon, a cup of blood to commemorate our newly founded friendship please"

And she paled

There's no way.. no no NO!

"Oh you're getting paler, i knew it you're thirsty! Drink up sisteeeer!", Jungwon chanted followed by the others

Cup of fresh red blood on her hand, Elrin looked at Sunoo in horror, who apologetically mouthed on her. At this point even he's a vampire, he's powerless when it comes to the Nishimura.

Gulping once, twice, the loud chants blurred on her ears as she kept on staring at the contents of the red cup. She honestly felt like throwing up. Even a blink of blood she used to faint or cry or just tremble in fear. And now it's infront of her, in a cup, calling her to drink in all it's glory.

Elrin felt like dying.

Just then an angel appeared, grabbing the cup off her hold, though a little harsh she was thankful with all her life.

She was sure it was Riki, so when she was about to thank him with a wide smile, she paused when she saw Jake.

"Don't you all see that she wasn't in a mood for blood? Stop pressuring her, she's new to us", he spoke after he easily downed the cup, shooting her a wink

Elrin was.. well very awkward. She kept saying it's fine when all of them apologized.

Right when her eyes landed on Riki sitting on the far corner, she wondered why he looked mad. His gazes were stabbing onto Jake, as his fists were crumpled on his side. 


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