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"How's your sleep?"

Elrin looked over her shoulder with a raised brow, annoyed by the obvious answer.

Riki just chuckled and jogged to catch up to her pace, now walking beside her.

"Are you meeting with dad again?"

"No, I'm meeting with my dad", she grabbed a dagger out of her pocket, making the vampire back away

"Geez are you planning to kill me"

"Gladly", she flashed a menacing grin while shoving it back

"Yuta was here since dawn, it means you didn't have a blind?"

"I made Sunoo do it"

"Then it wasn't strong enough"

"Another reason for me to rush back", she then ran to where the guard pointed on where the man could be

Rolling his eyes, Riki easily reached the elder vampire's office without much of a work. Elrin's figure showed up at least two minutes after, throwing him an annoyed look.

"Nice flex old man", she retorted, punching his arm though not painful for him anyway

Elrin walked out after a long while, an obvious smile on her face making the vampire shot a brow.

"Guess, Yuta spoiled you again"

"What do you mean spoiled, i have the right to receive his love"

"Is it not bothering you? You look lot like your mom, and your father figure right now is your mom's first love", he randomly asked, following closely behind her

"Why would i be bothered, he raised me well and takes care of me like his own", she scoffed

"Just think about it. What if he has a hidden motive? Like you now.. he's still inlove with your mom and you look like—"

"Goodness stop Nishimura Riki, you're making it sound weird! He's just a father to me, and I'm his daughter. He has an only son that also treated me like his biological sister. We are family, got it?"

The vampire just zipped his lips tight and mumble a small got it, dropping the topic when he realized that it's indeed weird.

The two rounded to the lake at the very back of the main house. It's serene ambiance comforting them as they sat on the stone-like structure, naturally grown like some sort of a bench by age.

Yuta's added blind restricted the vampire to inhale the human's scent, her heart beat's silent, and her thoughts blocked. She's almost a ghost sitting beside him.

Still, it was comfortable. Glad that neither of them spat some insults to each other resulting in another catfight.

"How did you lived all those years", Elrin randomly spoke, her eyes glued on the greenery at the other side of the land

"I just did", Riki simply answered, honestly didn't know how to word it out

He just did, it was true. There's no definite explanation, he just did it.

"It must've been lonely then"

"How so"

"For basics, you won't get old, just your soul. While your friends do, if that is you have humans close to you all these years"

"I do"

And it was a shame i can't stay beside them

"Guess your friendships don't remain too long. Your appearance not changing will freak them out"

"Yeah, that's the reason"

Silence greeted them for awhile, just them appreciating the nature around them. It wasn't uncomfortable, and their presence is already enough for them to feel that they're not alone.

Though, they're not alone indeed. A rustle caught Riki's attention, then a scent lingered on his nose a second after, enough for him to identify the new comer.

"Brother, you're here— oh Elrin too?"

The sudden new voice startled the girl, snapping on her back to see another vampire that became familiar to her.

"Jake", Riki acknowledged, standing up, maybe too close to the girl and secreted another layer of blind with her not knowing

Jake flashed a wide smile, his fangs peeking on the sides as he took another step forward.

"Can I join you two?"

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