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Then back then it's just.. a trap question!?



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"The dosage is already two percent higher for you, and for your information it would cause abnormalities to your brain if we would add it up"

"But how?", Yuta breathed out, "I know I put enough blinds"

"His skill I guess?", Varos replied, "My youngest is always been secretive and ambitious. At this point I'm not gonna doubt him if he'll tell me about the history of dinosaurs"

Yuta slumped on the chair, glancing at the young girl in her blank tired eyes. He placed a hand atop hers, flashing a reassuring smile when she looked.

"Apologies dear human, I can't give you much. I already permitted you to live within us and volunteered to cover you. This pills works but it's just a matter of time that it'll wear off. Also your father's blinds won't hide you completely. You also need to be extra careful. We didn't know if there are other vampires who can smell through you"

"I need to talk to him", Elrin spoke for the first time

"That'll do", Varos nodded, "You sure he won't gobble you the first second?"

"Lord..", Yuta sighed in worry and disbelief, making the elder cackle

"Riki's out with his siblings, you may meet him in your dreams if you're lucky"

Dreams, Elrin sighed.

For the first time she can smell her own fear slowly engulfing her.


"Ahh pretty bright now huh"

Elrin jumped from the bench, immediately turning back though her balance only left her when she was greeted with a chest.

Riki sneaked an arm around her waist, easily holding her up with a teasing grin.

"Aww already falling for me? Sweet"

"PERVERT!", she squealed, pushing him away and freeing herself from his hold

Elrin's eyes widened in surprise, heat on her cheeks as she looked everywhere but him

"That's harsh for someone who genuinely helped you", the vampire dramatically said while placing a hand on his chest, though the act only lasted for a good time before his face dropped into a stern, "This dream is too bright it's annoying me"

"Then why are you here", Elrin spat, still standing in a fair distance

"Hmm first off, dad told me you have something to talk about", he comfortably sat on the bench, "Second, I'm just glad to know that you're thinking about me"

"You're too high on yourself, keep dreaming"

"I'm the one who should tell you that.. keep dreaming", he retorted with a lopsided smile, "Were you just gonna stand there?"

"How do you know?", Elrin finally faced him, a firm look on her face as her fists formed on her sides

"Be specific?"

"Me... me being h-human"

Silence swarmed for a good minute, Riki puckering his lips like he's deep in thought. He only stared at the girl with a bright smile, his ruby eyes glimmering under the clear eyes like blinking sparkles.

"So I'm right? You're a human"

"What do you mean.. y-you already know"

"No i just thought about it based on how the artificial smell caught my nose. I was about to shrug it off thinking that you just bathed in perfume or something.. but thanks for confirming by the way"

And her heart dropped.

He wasn't sure? Then back then it's just.. a trap question!?

Her lips paling bothered the vampire for a little while, before he chuckled darkly.

"You know.. I'm still amazed that you managed to hide for so many years. I know I'm experienced enough because of my travels but, i didn't know I'm in that position to smell a human behind a blind of a strong vampire?"

Horrified, that's what she is right now.

By now, she didn't know what to do. Hell, she didn't even know if she could stop this dream, if she's gonna wake up without this vampire tearing her body.

No, no i can't die. Not now—

"Cool, i can smell you now. Why are you so scared?"

She stepped back when he stood up. Every step he took, she's backing away.

Riki can hear her heart beat. Every thump, every waves of her pulse, her blood rushing through her veins. He kept on moving forward while she steps back.


"This wasn't a bright dream.. after all, this is the reason why you became afraid of blood"

Elrin halted, his words processing on her mind as she felt as though her memory rolled back like a film record.

The car.. this day.. this place.. there's a car—

A loud crash filled her ears, causing her body to drop in impulse, covering her ears tight in reflex.

She swore she won't look, though it's like there's something or someone tilting her head for her to look.

Tears cascaded on her cheeks, lower lip quivering, and as she peeked, she never saw a drop of blood from the people involved in the car crash, rather a chest covering her sight.

Only she then realized the vampire crouching close to her, shielding her from the terrifying sight of her first phobia. 


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