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What was I suppose to say?, he laughed at himself

How's your sleep?


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Elrin shot up gasping aloud, beads of sweat forming on her forehead as her eyes flickered everywhere.

That's weird, she thought. She wiped off the traces of dried tears on her cheeks, trying to decipher what happened, though she can't remember anything necessary.

All she recalled is the ball, and the youngest Nishimura who blew her cover.

Elrin sighed, plopping back on the mattress as her gazes glued on the stars painted on her ceiling.

"Did I have a bad dream? But i can't remember anything?"

She questioned herself for about a few minutes, until the skies slowly regained its color and Elrin decided to start her day ignoring the weird night.

It was a quarter to 4 in the afternoon when Yuta and Sunoo woke up, a result of staying the whole night overthinking everything and ended up sleeping beside each other on the couch at dawn.

By now Elrin already took care of the groceries, cooked and ate breakfast and lunch by herself, cleaned the house and watered the plants on their small backyard.

She was simply tired when the two just started their day, immediately seeing the girl slumped on the kitchen stool with a phone in hand.

"You're up", Sunoo groggily passed and onto the fridge taking out a blood bag

"Yeah good afternoon"

He rolled his eyes and gulped down two bags, "We're going to the main house"

"Yeah damn no"

"Damn yes", Yuta showed up fresh from shower, yanking his son's third bag and drank it himself, "We need to discuss the matter to Lord Varos"

"We? Really? I really can't go back there what if Riki's not the only one who found out? Alot of vamps were there!"

"You're exposed to them for 12 years, they're the same faces yet they haven't found out... only now", Yuta whispered the last two words, "Also not that i want to push you, but we have to consult the pills you're taking. Only Lord Varos can tell if the dosage isn't enough for you now"

"Then consult the pills?"

"We literally need you in the process"

Elrin exasperatedly sighed and dropped her head on the counter, eliciting a small thud making Sunoo wince.

"That must've hurt"


"Where were you on these past few years though? Last we've seen you is in Korea with that Sunghoon", Jungwon asked, walking on the thin structure of cement testing his balance

"Just everywhere. I stayed back in Korea for the last 3 years with him"

"Wow you guys got closer huh. Just like nothing happened", he giggled

"Nothing really happened", Riki's brows furrowed

"Don't you remember? They attacked us first! They are the only vampire clan that's close to lycans. What's the name of that pack again? Oh the Jungs"

"It's history Jungwon-ah, and we're not even born yet so nothing really matters if we'll grow close"

"It's just how history goes you know? Of course it'll be a big deal since it's our family against them"

"Whatever. That kid appreciates music, he can understand me better", he waved the older off, though Jungwon followed closely behind him

"I know music tooooo! That's why we're the closest right!? Ah let me join you twwoooo- oh the Nakamotos"

Riki abruptly stopped causing a collision of the two, Jungwon nagging about suddenly stopping. Though the younger never paid attention as he already gave all of it to the girl wearing a red robe, it's hood covering her face.

He followed them with his gazes, until they disappeared behind the walls.

"Are you listening to me or?"

"Or", he only answered with a sheepish smile and quickly excused himself not letting the older to say anything


"You're here again"

"Oh sh-", she leaped in surprise, turning back to see the youngest Nishimura leaning on the wall

She took a deep sigh to calm herself and fully faced him with a raised brow, making the vampire chuckle.

"Why are you here again?"

"Why are you lurking everywhere?"

"You really do have a habit of answering a question by a question"

"You really do have a habit of minding someone else's business"

"Oh woah woah chill", he raised both hands in surrender, pushing himself off the wall and walked towards her

He stopped just a half meter away, leaning forward until their foreheads glued, a wide smile spreading on his face.

"Do you have anything to say?"

The vampire just continued staring on her clear brown orbs, not responding

"If you don't, then excuse me", she stepped back and walked away, leaving the male standing while seeing only the red robe engulfing her small figure

Riki gulped down the words, locking his voice in.

What was I suppose to say?, he laughed at himself

How's your sleep?

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