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He compelled me.. Elrin's eyes glimmered.

Mom.. dad... I'm sorry.. take me back to who i was

 take me back to who i was

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"What the fuck", Elrin cursed under her breath, her eyes roaming around the familiar place that she burned on the back of her head

The door chimes rang in a nostalgic sound, the scent of peaches swarming around, and the homely ambiance sent warmth to her system.

Elrin's brows furrowed more as she continuously took little steps, cautious not to make a sound as if she would wake someone up if she did.

But when the door of a bedroom opened, she leaped in surprise, thinking that even her breathe is loud, though she immediately froze when she saw someone that she's desperately calling to.

"Baby let's go! Remember just sneak up okay?", the man enthusiastically called in a hushed tone, then a young child peeked over the doorway with her crooked teeth widely displaying

"Mama birthday?", she hardly spoke

"Mhm we will surprise mama! In one two three, okay?"


Still confused, Elrin tagged along, feeling her heart drop when the man and the kid surprised the woman with a loud birthday greeting, startling her making her drop the bag of flour in surprise.

As a result, the three were now struggling to shrug the flour on their clothes, and some on the kid's hair.

"We should shower now Rinnie"

"No! Mama kiss!"

"You're so sweet come here, kiss mama"

Backing out, Elrin's eyes widened when the place shifted. It is in the same house but the furnitures have been moved, looking everywhere to see the female kid grew up. Her hair is in two braided pig tails, clothed in a cute yellow dress while playing dolls on the carpeted floor of the living room.

"Elrin sweetie, are you ready?", the mother called out with her favorite hand bag

"Yeeeeessss", little Elrin quickly responded and got up, running to the woman with open arms

"What will you say to the teachers when we get there?"

"Good morning teacher!"

"Very good! How about your friends?"

"Friends? I have?"

"Of course baby, they will be your friends"


"It's Rinnie's first day of school!", the father showed up with a film camera, a wide smile painted on his face as he took a picture

Again? Elrin sighed when the scene changed again, but it's not in the house

The school? Elrin's heart drop. It shouldn't be..

She ran to where her memory took her, halted on the corner near the canteen where elementary kids crowded around something- someone.

"You're not even that pretty. Weak", a taller girl spat and pushed the smaller, her frail body dropping on the ground, "You just have a fair skin and rich, that's all. You didn't have a reputation to protect, you'll just be under the rock"

Elrin clenched her fist, her anger boiling as she was too close to ruin a past memory.

"Give it back", young Elrin spoke for the first time making the girls laugh

"No! Dad worked hard for it-"

Elrin shut her eyes, the horrors of the memory flashing on her mind, her body preparing for a hit... but nothing came.

She peeled one eye open, surprised when Yuta's familiar figure showed up in the middle of them.

But.. how... i don't..

"Excuse me sir, who are you?"

"Mina, that shouldn't be the question...how did you got here mister?", another girl asked

By now Elrin stepped closer, observing the situation.

There's no way he could be inside my dream.. then this is... i don't remember this happening

"Listen, I'll keep this quick since you girls have classes. You...you will leave Wong Elrin alone. Don't ever breathe on her direction and forget that you met me. You'll just walk away, forget that you know Elrin. Go"

No way...

"Wong Elrin."

"W-who are you.."

"That's not important.. but let me tell you... you'll forget all of this happened, and always remember that you're not just someone you are someone. You're more of it"

He compelled me.. Elrin's eyes glimmered.

Mom.. dad... I'm sorry.. take me back to who i was

↬ Compelled - A power of a vampire that a will be hypnotised by the said creature once eye contact is made

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↬ Compelled - A power of a vampire that a will be hypnotised by the said creature once eye contact is made.


So that's all for this week's update. See you all on the next update! And again for the last time for today,,

Happy Birthday Ni-ki!!


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