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May I have this dance? 

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Growing up with his whole life hidden from the outside world is quite challenging and overall terrifying. He thought living with it for almost 400 years will change everything — he's wrong.

He saw everyone he care, die. He saw everything he possess either wither or break in age. He travel the world while watching it change.

From wearing vintages to thin clothing, he continuously walked with his chin up, ready to start another day like nothing happened.

Sometimes he would enroll himself in a newly established school, learn everything that he already did. Master the world histories and recite all the laws with closed eyes. After some years he would try to apply for a job that mostly got rejected because he looks young.

After all, he's a hundred-year old male trapped in an 18-year old body.

"Finally!", the tenth sibling Jay exclaimed, hands up in the air as he beckoned their youngest over, "The runaway prince is here"

Riki scoffed, yanking the elder's hand away from his shoulder and sat on the vacant seat with his other siblings.

"How's your grand tour Riki?", the eldest sister asked

"Good", he timidly answered

"Ahh you're already gone for 57 years and this is how you answer us", the third sibling commented

"You act like he's a child", the fifth clicked her tongue, "Won't you tell us anything?"

Riki just shook his head, sipping on a glass of rabbit blood

"Come on just one! Like what did you do yesterday", the one year older Jungwon pushed

"It's just the same how the world goes two years ago, pretty boring", Riki answered, the others nodding in agreement

"Then..", the eighth child Heesung grinned, "Any human to introduce?"

All eyes shifted to him, intriguing looks darted on him. Riki's brow shot and slammed the empty glass, looking over to his teasing brother.


Half of the siblings whined, bombarding the youngest with random questions.


"Do i know you?", Elrin snapped back in surprise, regaining her composure as she came face to face with one of Lord Varos' children, Jake.

She lightly bowed in respect and smiled, her fake fangs showing a bit on the side as she shook her head, "We haven't met before"

"Is that so? Now I've seen you properly, it must be right", he laughed reaching out his hand, "I'm Jake"

"Oh uhh Elrin", they shook hands, Elrin flinching lightly because of his low temperature

"Wow your hand is.. warm?", the vampire commented, making the girl slid her hand out and clasped both her hands behind

"Yeah I played with candles awhile ago", she reasoned, mentally wincing on her excuse

"That's cute I guess? By the way are you new here? I haven't seen you around before so.."

"No, actually I'm Nakamoto Elrin"

"Nakamoto? Sunoo's sister!?"

"Oh great you know my brother", she chuckled, eyes flickering everywhere in hopes for someone to save her

"We play alot! Also he talks about you alot, you're not mean as he always said so"

"Mean?", she echoed in surprise of the sudden word and laughed, "I should teach him a lesson right?"

"Oh no no please don't tell him I told you about it-"

"Still onto that Sunoo huh"

The two leaped startled by the new comer, seeing the youngest and the main celebrant of the ball walking closer.

Elrin felt goosebumps running on her skin as he smiled, his ruby eyes shining under the dim light as he stared at her with unknown reasons.

"Riki! Felt bored yet?", Jake spoke, though got ignored when the said male just passed by him, directly to the girl who looked lost between two males

He reached out his hand, a huge grin on his face as he bent down to her height, ❝May I have this dance? 

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