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“Let’s date”

“Let’s date”

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Elrin woke up with a big pang on her chest, mind clouded with so many things she didn’t think of remembering anymore. The slightest sounds and surrounding smell ticked her senses, the coolness of the room wounded her skin like a crisp of ice — she felt cold.

It was lonely.

She sat up with her eyes fluttering around the simple four-cornered room, the slightest presence of light seeping through the thick black curtains able for her to see the giant emptiness.

It was lonely.

She stride to the door, the sleeves of her sweatshirt loose on her shoulders, length covering mid-thighs as she walked bare feet, the sharp cold of the doorknob hitting her palm as she twisted it unlocked, and behind the loneliness, the nostalgic sense of a person hit her system like a truck, looking up to see the man she always depended her life with.

“Oh i was about to knock— oh”, utterly surprised, he just stayed silent

The newly born vampire’s arms pooled on his waist, her body crushed on his, head snuggled on his chest.

Though with the knowledge of the past days, his eyes watered rather than staying confused, immediately wrapping her back and dropping his head on top of hers.

“Are you back now?”, he audibly whispered, feeling the girl nod

“I’m sorry”


“I miss you so much!”, Sunoo beamed as he basically crushed the younger into a koala hug, his arms and legs pooled on her body as he glued on her side, snuggling his forehead on her temple

“Uhh I’m not that strong yet”, Elrin clicked her tongue, slowly feeling the pain of being squeezed to life

“I don’t wanna let go yet, our last hug is years ago”, the bubbly male just huffed and squeezed her more

Her eyes traveled to the two vampires standing not too far away, landed to the father who just shrugged.

“Dad said we still need to run some tests and examine her further. The venom from Jake’s bite wasn’t completely gone yet last we did so he decided to run again”

“Do you all need to use needles again?”, Elrin replied with puffed cheeks, already felt the tip of needles hovering her skin as she shivered in goosebumps

Riki chuckled, “Don’t worry we’ll just draw one small tube”


“Come on Rinnie! Better test if you’re fully well and healthy right? Do you want that jerk’s trace in you forever!?”

The statement of her nagging brother instantly made her eyes widen and stood up, peeling the arms and legs off her at the same time, and looked at the blonde vampire with a firm gaze.

Let’s do it”


“I was just joking”, Elrin deadpanned as the needle punctured, shutting her eyes tight and whimpered against Riki’s chest

“You dramatic girl, we weren’t able to feel such basic pain”, Lord Varos retorded yet the girl whined

“It’s a needle!”

“You shouldn’t feel any of it! Look it’s all done in a second”

As Riki took the liberty of plastering her punctured skin (which is not required anyway, but for the girl’s convenience), he began mumbling soft comforting words and let the girl glue onto him like a child.

“Riki’s blood will help block the venom easily. Also it’s advisable for you two to stay close whenever and wherever possible. Riki’s presence will help ease your nerves”


“What, why? You’re both mates now, don’t tell me you forgot?”

A tingly feeling immediately brushed onto her, thankful that vampires never blush and just tried very hard to hide how shy she got. Though it only reflected the mood when she let go of the male’s arm and left an obvious space beside them. She felt the air shifted, or maybe it was just her nerves playing on her.

“Don’t need to be embarrassed, i can only thank you for giving my youngest son a mate

“W-who’s embarrassed!? Are you looking down on me?”, Elrin challenged with her chin up, lips puckering up dumbfounded, “I’ll be in my room, please call me with positive results

“So know if i didn’t called you, it means the results are bad”

The girl just huffed and walked out of the Lord’s Lab, leaving the blonde male who just knocked on his father’s table as a sign of him leaving.

“Look out for her”

“Hmm?”, Riki looked over his shoulder when the elder suddenly talked

“She has your blood, you mated with her. She can have your abilities then”

“Oh that, I’m already thinking about it”

“Good. Now stop thinking and follow her”


Skipping out of his father’s Lab, Riki easily caught up with the girl’s pace, showing up infront of her with a wide smile.

“What do you want?”, she grumbled

Let’s date

Well, maybe her foul mood didn’t stayed long as the male vampire already made it better.


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Y'all... I just realised I'm about to end this book... repost :D

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