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"You should.. be wary of your surroundings.. don't forget, you once tricked the vampires when you were human"

CHAPTER 23"Enjoying the view?", he chuckled as though he wasn't been beaten into a pulp, "I don't plan on killing you, i just

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"Enjoying the view?", he chuckled as though he wasn't been beaten into a pulp, "I don't plan on killing you, i just.. wanted to claim you! And there goes your superman", he laughed, "Ah fuck ow i can't even laugh how i want"

"I'll see you hanging with your body burned on the next days, and don't worry, my face will be the last one you'll see"

"Ooohhh i like that! Atleast i could see someone as beautiful"

"Shut up", Riki interjected before the girl's patience ran thin, "Stop abusing your power to the guards, it's hopeless. You're already stripped off your ranks"

"My rank? What about my name? Did Lord Varos cleaned my right as a Nishimura too?"

"Probably. Or maybe it will go as well when you're gone"

"Damn it, you sound all mature you kid", he laughed and coughed out blood, though plainly ignored it and pushed himself against the cells widely smiling, "Fine, you win. Take care with this sweetheart while I'm gone. We never know, i might go back"

Annoyed, Riki teleported inside the cell and pulled the chain attached on the vampire's neck throwing him to the hard cemented walls with such force. Though her just laughed under his breath and watch the younger easily went out and walked away.

"You should.. be wary of your surroundings.. don't forget, you once tricked the vampires when you were human"

"It doesn't matter now, right? They can't touch me either way"


Her body was pinned on the wall making her groan, her eyes glimmered red in both anger and hunger as she tried to squirm out the male vampire's hold.

"How many times do i have to tell you...control!"

"It's your fault! You led me out, didn't you?"

"You promised to behave and try it out in real world. You were getting better yesterday Elrin"

"And you believed it? Can't believe i just have to smile and stick into you like leach and you'll weaken your guard now, Nishimura Riki"

"Shit", the male can just groan, strong grip still on her as he sent them back in the main house where vampires panicked in worry

"You shouldn't have took her out!", Jungwon exclaimed

"She's still in transition Riki, you should know better", Heesung added

"Nakamoto Elrin, go to your room and never go out until 6 pm tomorrow", Lord Varos spoke which she immediately did

Riki sighed in exhaustion, rubbing his face with his palm. There's no way he could handle her alone.

 There's no way he could handle her alone

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If you don't get it at the first part of this chapter,, Riki and Elrin went to visit Jake in the cellar he is locked in. Again Happy Birthday Sunghoon!

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