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 You're human aren't you 

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May I have this dance? 

Elrin looked at him in utter confusion, his hand hanging in the air waiting for her to accept it.

Riki watched her as she hesitated to place her hand over his, him smiling wider while squeezing it lightly and brushed passed his brother who just observed him in silent.

He held her gently, placing his hands on her waist while hers on his shoulders. Though the floor is now filled with pairs dancing, neither the packed hall or the sweet mellow music calmed her nerves.

It wasn't her first ball, nor a first dance either, but the way the vampire looked at her, she felt like melting in lava rather than in love.

You're human aren't you

"What are you say-", only his question properly processed on her mind, she abruptly paused and looked up at him, seeing him look at her with such interest, "No.. why did you think of that?"

"Rose wood, that's an artificial scent isn't it? And that fangs they're fake", he continuously pointed out, "You feel warmer than our normal temperature, though I can't hear your heartbeat.."

He lean closer as she froze on the close proximity, a strong distinguishable scent of his perfume lingered on her nose like a hypnotism.

His cold breaths fanned her ear, his hold on her waist tightening, he whispered,

"You don't need to hide it from me, I'll keep your secret"


"Calm down Elrin! I'm sure Riki won't-"

"Don't tell me to calm down, you'll never understand!", she yelled back, locking herself on her room just a second before Yuta could stop her

"Rin, talk to me", Yuta called over as he knocked, hearing her soft cries with his heightened senses, "Let's talk this out come on"

"For what!? It's over, it's exposed! I told you someone would know but you still keep me here! I'm a human!"

"Elrin, please.. you know why i did that.. you know why.. I saved you"

Elrin cried as she curled under her sheets, not caring how her gown crinkle or her make-up will be horrifying mess. Black tints of make-up smudged her pillow but she can't stop the stubborn tears flowing endlessly.

She blindly listened to Yuta's words, continuously comforting her and asking her to go out. Though she was thankful and loved the man overtime, she can't stop but feel useless now that her cover was exposed.

The cover that her only father-figure worked hard to maintain, saving her from a memory that she once wished to be in.

"Why did you saved me"

Her question hang in the air but knew that the man heard it behind the locked door.

Once she felt the blinds has been put down, she started to feel things. The coldness of her room, the warmth of her skin, the pumping of her pulse.

For a moment there, she could properly breathe.

Yuta had stopped connecting to her after a long time of being unresponsive, though the man knew better that she's not doing anything harmful as he can hear her sobs and the rhythmical beats of her heart.

"Do you think Riki would?", Yuta worriedly asked

"I honestly don't know. He's a year younger than me and that kid is mischievous. No one knows his way of thinking", Sunoo answered

"Just how did he know", Yuta exasperatedly sighed rubbing his face, "I putted enough blinds"

Sunoo just shrugged, the question too vague and the situation is too big for them to handle. One word from the youngest Nishimura is enough to freak the whole coven.

"What will happen now?"

Yuta looked up to see his son, head hanging low as his fingers fumbled, an unsettling air swarmed around the house.

"No matter what she is, adopted or not, she's my sister"

The man nodded, sitting beside the younger and tapped his shoulder in comfort, "Let's just hope for the best. Even if Lord Varos already knew, the coven didn't. That's still dangerous as it is"

 That's still dangerous as it is"

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