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"I can't believe this is a thousand years old!"

"Yeah, pretty isn't it"

An hour passed of them just spitting harsh words around, only deciding to stop when the girl found a white rose blooming within the red ones. It was the only one of it's kind but it gave off a different vibe, like the only light between the darkness.

Elrin was captivated by its beauty for awhile now, giving the vampire a full divided attention, leaving him sulky on a huge tree root.

He just sat there glaring at the girl's back, completely neglected.

"I want one too.."

"That's mine"

"I'm not talking to you", she spat making the vampire whine

"I saved you and you treat me like this?"

"Stop whining you're not a child, you old man"

"You little-", he stopped himself, dropping his insults and just continued to sulk

It went over for another hour, until the vampire can't take it anymore and grabbed the girl's arm, not letting her say anything and just teleported back to the entrance of the main house pushing her to go home


It was a week since she last saw the youngest Nishimura. Her seven days just consists of her lazying on her room, only showing up to the two male vampires to eat.

Sometimes she could see him passing by on her dream, though she forced herself to wake up before he can completely approach her.

She's not ignoring the vampire, it's just that she doesn't have any reason to meet him.

A book up her nose, Elrin focused on reading her favorite book series, though had red it for three times now she still felt that she red it the first time.

She continued until she didn't realized she already slept, her back pressed on her headboard while the book dropped on her lap.

"Found you"

"Bloody hell.."

"It wasn't literally bloody but it makes sense. Now Wong Elrin, why the hell are you ignoring me!?"

(short chap again srry)

(short chap again srry)

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