274 23 1

“Look at me, I’ve become a monster that everyone hates”

“Look at me, I’ve become a monster that everyone hates”

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This should be a wonderful place by now. Where the trees grew healthy and plants green, the smell of grass showing the grasp of nature, the cliff overseeing the buildings.

For Riki it became his safe place, for someone had let him see the beauty in it. But how could he stay in comfort when that someone isn’t in herself right now?

This should be a wonderful place by now, but the first and only person that fell inlove with it now didn’t care.

“Hmm now i see why you’re bored here. It does look plain”, Elrin spoke after taking a long walk, sitting on the cliff more comfortable now— she used to be scared of it

“Nah this is peaceful”

“Why did you bring me here? I was surprised you could still pull me here, i thought it’s only possible in humans”

“I can do what i want”

“That’s such an...inspiring answer”, she tapped his shoulder and stood up, “Take me back”

“It’s not the time for you to wake up”

“Then take me to another entertaining dream will you?”

“I can’t do that”


“You may change their dream”

“More entertaining! Come on”


“Boring”, she huffed, though a smile cruised on her lips when she thought of something, “Riki..”


“If I’ll jump in here will i wake up?”

“Jump in— no”

“No? Guess you haven’t tried it?”

“No, i mean— Elrin no!”

Then he just woke up just like that. He didn’t saw her the whole day that day. And he wasn’t able to pull her in dream as she stayed up all night.


“Ah it’s boring. How could you live like this”

“Am i your last resort?”

“Kind of? Also you’re not a bad talk yourself. You’re just an asshole”

“You—“, he just laughed in amusement, “You’re really in your worst time. You feel like shit now do you”
Elrin just scoffed and kicked his cell, the rattling sound making the guards show up and examined the situation.

“When is he gonna die again?”

“Two days from now”

“Right. You can’t even make it today. My hand is itching to snap his neck you know”

Elrin left the basement prison after that, feeling her anger rising.

As usual she went directly to the kitchen where the blood bags were stacked cold, grabbing and downing one in just a few seconds. She was about to grab the second when another hand yanked it off her hold.

Her fuming fist was easily dodged and her hands slapped away, her brows furrowing on the new comer.

“You should drown the human blood on your system first”

“Give it to me”

“Just take another”

“You won’t let me anyway”

“Elrin..”, Yuta sighed, “How are you feeling?”

“The same”, she just simply answered and was about to walk away when the man blocked her

“I’ve been thinking, your parents’ death anniversary is approaching. What do you wanna do then?”

“What? It isn’t like they would come back. And do you even think they’ll want to see me? Look at me, I’ve become a monster that everyone hates


“Don’t talk to me about my parents again”, she firmly said, eyes narrowed in a glare before walking away

“Don’t talk to me about my parents again”, she firmly said, eyes narrowed in a glare before walking away

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Hope y'all enjoyed this short chapter and,,


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