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“I’m still jealous”
“He had to see your pretty face just before he died. Like you, really?”

 Like you, really?”

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This could be one of the memorable time in history. When the first family of vampires faced a worst situation, when the very first vampire had to rip his own blood child out of titles, when the Lord had to walk forward loosing one of his treasured gifts.

The main house is filled with the people of Nishimura, their eyes cold and gazes unwavering as they watched the hanged vampire burn to the last flesh. All of his things were lined up below him, fire crackling like woods.

The red-hooded girl tossed the torch to the forming burning pit, looking away once the satisfaction left her system, rather it replaced with guilt and sadness. She looked over to the Nishimura siblings, monotonous yet broken inside. To the Lord who is also the father, and to the youngest child — he never said a word. 

Elrin had to brush her hand onto his crumpled ones, startling him from the sudden contact but immediately shifted his clamped lips to a smile.

I’m still jealous

Her brows furrowed, and the male just intertwined their hands together and looked over to his burning sibling.

He had to see your pretty face just before he died. Like you, really?, he clicked his tongue

Elrin can’t help but to scoff, hitting his arm a little too strong for him to lightly lose his balance.

“I thought you’ll be mad at me. Without me, your brother is probably still alive..”

“What do you mean mad? And please he’s not my brother anymore”

The lack of reply made Riki look over, seeing the girl in her head hung low, the hood restricting him to see her face. He frowned, pulling her to face him and gently tugged her chin up until their eyes met.

“It’s not your fault”

“Still, if I’m not here—“

“Hush now, I’m not listening”


They both looked behind to see the eldest Nishimura child, his eyes dark yet a small smile plastered on his face in the kindest way possible.

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