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"Must i thank Jake for draining my blood and for Riki to feed me his blood?"

"Must i thank Jake for draining my blood and for Riki to feed me his blood?"

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Sometimes it would feel like a lost paradise, at some point it's some sort of a place just for her.

Elrin never knew where she was, or what is she doing, asking who she was at the same time.

All she knew is that she can't feel anything. Her legs never got tired even if she's strolling around the grassland for an estimation of whole day.

The skies never shifted light and dark, and there was no sun, moon, and stars to sight to. Elrin knew something happened— she assumed it could be worse than she thought.

Passing the rows of cherry blossoms that questionably all grew and stayed in the same size, she noticed a door slightly opening against a wall.

It was the first time.

Walking around the place, it's the first time she saw it's ending.

Could it be... peace?

Out of curiosity she approached the door, its inviting light hypnotizing her to go through.

Though she never expected what's behind that door.

All she knew is that she woke up with her ears picking up the slightest sounds, hundreds of scents lingering on her nose, her teeth aching and itching, and felt like her eyes deceived her for she finally saw him


"You still remember me", he sighed in relief

Elrin watched her as he walked closer, crouching by the side of the bed and brushed her hair away from her face.

He smiled, "How are you feeling?"

"You smell.. nice", she mumbled, her eyes flickering around cautiously, "What is that? It smells.."

"Are you hungry?"

She snapped at him with furrowed brows, "You're really Riki right?"

He just nodded

"I'm clearly alive.. right?"

Again, he nodded

"Then why can't i feel anything?"


Vampires never born as vampires. They were once human, died, and turned into one by taking a blood of a full vampire.

A newborn vampire is like of newborn babies. Though, more challenging and worse of course. They can't control their hunger, pounce on everyone that ticked their patience, accidentally use their abilities while harming someone.

A vampire in transition needed human blood to live— it will complete their transition and is able to live like normal vampires do. Although one thing is more worrying— their missing emotions.

A newborn vampire will have their humanity off. They will most likely go on a killing streak just to satisfy their needs, cannot feel anything but rage and hunger.   

Elrin was a human, though even her sweetest personality can be dangerous since then.

"I'm a what now?", she burst in a laugh, sitting on the bed while casually moving freely like nothing happened

"We need to isolate you for a month. We already fed you human blood that's why you're be able to live like us now, but you can't feel anything momentarily—"

"My humanity is off, and i could also harm some vampires, right... dad"

The name curled on her tongue made Yuta wince, never did her voice sounded pleasant, her tone mocking and blank.

"You know what's funny though? I thought being a vampire is the worst thing that could happen to me. But guess what? I feel fine!", she exclaimed, "Must i thank Jake for draining my blood and for Riki to feed me his blood? "

"Rin, you know we don't have a choice! Riki wanted to save you, dad isn't ready to let you go, i don't want you to leave us!"

"But you know that someday i will leave you. Well nevermind that, I'm gonna live by your side forever now. Thanks to—"

"Stop. Let's not blame anyone right now. Elrin, do you want something?"

"Blood, dad. I'm thirsty"

"You already finished two bags"

"Then get me more. Fresh human ones if you may, you can do it right? Afterall you made me drink once"

The man didn't replied and just signaled his son to go with him, and with the two hesitating to leave, Riki entered the room again and directly sat on the bed.

"Drink", he spoke, handing his arm out while inching the side of his hand closer to her mouth, "We can't give you more rabbit blood, neither human blood. I recently fed so it'll be okay"

Though Elrin just blankly stared at him, lost on how she won't be able to feel her heart beat, or to feel her body shaking in nervousness, neither forming a blush on her cheeks for him being too close.

Riki sighed, dropping his arm on her waist instead as his forehead slumped on her shoulder. He shut his eyes close as he controlled his breathing, sucking all his negative emotions back.

"You might feel a bit different on yourself, denying what's on your mind and ignoring the heaviness of your heart, it's okay. But please Elrin don't push me away. I might not know how you feel but I'll help you"

 I might not know how you feel but I'll help you"

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Omo? Elrin now became a vampire because of Jake killing her and Riki feeding her his blood to save her! But,, what do you think will happen now that Elrin is one of them? Found out on the next chapter! and lastly I must not forget to say,,


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