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Would you kill me if I'll say no? Would you still kill me if I'll say yes?


It was bad, really. He felt like dying to be exact.

 He felt like dying to be exact

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"What about this? It sure looks pretty on you"

Elrin just scoffed and raised the pink hairpin to her eye-level, "This? This is so girly"

"And you're a girl"

"Not all girls like pink Jake"

(Facts ^^)

"Oh then pick the blue one, it looks good on you too"

"Fine fine, you'll just bug me if i won't"

Jake is happy.. well why would he not? It's been 24 hours when he locked the younger vampire in his room. Windows without curtains, his locked door without a knob inside. There's no way he could teleport as he didn't have enough energy.

When Jake shortly checked up on him he's already dropped asleep on the spot where the sunlight won't reach him. He was amused as the younger could still crawl the least. But still, even if vampires had quick regeneration abilities, it's a doubt that he can recover in just a day. Especially that the heat of the sun would still affect him as he didn't have any blood to take.

Today, he followed Elrin to the amusement park. The sun is still on it's brightest but Jake managed to sneak a ring on their eldest sibling's closet. The ring would let them bask in the sunlight without affecting them.

Of course Elrin was cautious and became conscious ever since the vampire showed up. The fact that she purposely went out when the sun is still up to free herself from vampires, her comforts only ripped out when he appeared.

"Do you want to ride the rollercoaster?"

"Nah I'm weak with heights"

"Oh come on it's my favorite ride! Just once, i promise I'll hold your hand and keep you safe"


Hearing that from a suspicious vampire only made Elrin's skin crawl. But could she even run away from him?

"I'll buy us tickets, and it would be quite an experience! So, what do you think?"

Would you kill me if I'll say no? Would you still kill me if I'll say yes?

Though the vampire already dragged her to the booth line, a wide excited smile on his face while talking about his past rollercoaster rides.

My life is in rollercoasters too.. but neither of them were exciting


A groan left on his lips when sleep left him. He never dreamed, all the time he was just trapped in a black dome.

Alone. Riki shot his tired eyes open but immediately closed it back when he was greeted by a bright sunlight.

Shit, he continuously cursed as he slowly rolled to the other side, holding his breath in attempt to block the pain that way, but it immediately kicked in when he breathed.

"Please... PLEASE HELP ME!", he ended in a painful cough, his voice horse and strained

The burns on his flesh is still fresh, his lips dried and pale from the void of blood.

Elrin.. Jake!


It was bad, really. He felt like dying to be exact.

Riki shouted until he felt like his voice is leaving him. Continued until his eyes drooped again from exhaustion even if he just did the bare minimum.


A/N:What will happen next?? Is Jake really planning to kill Elrin? Will someone save Riki? Find out on the next chapter!

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What will happen next?? Is Jake really planning to kill Elrin? Will someone save Riki? Find out on the next chapter!

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