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This fic was born out of indulgence and my first attempt at writing so I apologize in advance if this may have gotten out of hand. So please pardon the cringe and cheesy cliches that you are about to encounter.

This fic won't revolve around a major plot and will progress through minor, short-term plots, hence the title.

I am nowhere near an experienced writer nor have a wide range of adjectives to splurge and mistakes are to be expected. I don't even know what I'm doing but I'm publishing this anyway.

The story will begin three years after graduating from UA with a few flashback chapters every once in a while.

A lot of OC's with no long-term relevance to the story.

The characters in this story are born out of Horikoshi-sensei's hard work.

Update: This is going to be a long ride so, please, please buckle up with your patience 😅.

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