An Obligatory Dance pt. 2

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2nd Year, September, Fall

Jirou Kyouka has a hard time sleeping.

First is a muffled string of curses droning above the chirp of nocturnal insects, something about tripping and almost falling off the edge. Second, came the tap of shoe tiptoeing to the glass doors, hers in exact. Third was the simultaneous and careful knocking that fully welcomed her consciousness to the stark darkness of her room. The intruder must be stupid for making such attempts on someone whose quirk specializes around keen hearing.

Jirou impatiently shove aside the curtains of her balcony and rolled it back again after seeing the nervously grinning face of Kaminari.

"Wait! Jirou! Listen up!" He desperately calls, knocking back the glass panes. Jirou makes up the muffled screaming from the outside but there is no way she'll allow the blockhead to disturb her closest neighbor, and turn her next day into a chaotic parade of teasing from Ashido. Begrudgingly, she opens the sliding door with much force and got hit instantly with a slap on her left eye.

"Ow! Kaminari! That hurt!"

"Sorry, Jirou! I didn't mean..."

She raises a jack to stop him when he attempts to take another step closer. Clamping the affected eye with a hand. She faces the electric blond grinning guiltily at her while scratching the back of his head. Jirou sneaked a peek at the rails of her balcony catching glimpse of an overly familiar tape sticking securely at the end of the iron rails. Knowing instantly that a certain tape dispeller had been one of the accomplices yet again on another one of Kaminari's petty stunts.

"Be right at it. What's the fuss all about?" She blandly asks waiting for the stinging discomfort in her eyes to alleviate.

"Well...uh..." He kept scratching a non-existent itch that had her lift a brow. Kaminari rarely second-doubts his actions and simply just goes with it, but he is pathetically squirming on her balcony and the night breeze had her hugging herself.

She grips the handle of the sliding door and threatened to end the conversation there but he clamped his hand over hers to halt the motion, shuddering them at contact. She yelped and snatched her hand away from his.

"Ow! Kaminari! Don't you still have control over your quirk!"

"But I didn't!" he reasons, "I may not be the brightest but I know when I used my quirk."

Jirou deadpanned rubbing the affected hand. "What is it that you came here anyway? Seems like you guys are up to no good. And don't think for a second I can't tell your lying!" She planted a jack on the inconspicuous part of the wall making sure he sees. "Now, out with it! Spill!" lunging another jack on his face just in case...

He visibly swallows. And her ears deafen at how his heartbeats have gone haywire.

"Well, the guys devised a game plan to... get some of us to..." her eyes narrowed at the suspense, barely making out the words at how wild his heart is thumping. So, surreptitiously she unplugged her jacks.

"... So it was all a game to you?!" she fumes.

"No...not Jirou! It's not!" He slows down tilting his head to avoid the glower on her face. "...well, some of the guys just needed the push to... put plans into action... and started a truth or dare game... with only a chance of truth and... twice on the dare..."

"Let me guess, you picked dare." She presses still unconvinced.

"Took me... a truth and a dare...actually most of us...the last dare should be... asking out... a the..."

Her glower relaxes simmering the information. "So you're here to ask me to the... dance?" her face is beginning to heat up.

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