What if's

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Isolation seemed to be Shouto's best shot to avoid stumbling curious questions regarding Momo's unexpected flight abroad. Only a few knew that they--- she called it off, Midoriya, Jirou, and Bakugou. And despite the looming threat for prodding questions, he chose to submit to Kirishima's invitation to their baby shower. It was a long-overdue celebration that Ashido was so adamant about happening. Blame it on her giddy nature and excitement for their baby's arrival.

Currently, he could overhear the lively voices of his batch mates having the time of their lives temporarily free from hero work. He chose to mingle far from the animated group and alone in the corner of the living room, pretending to enjoy himself watching the playing show on the television.

The door from his right drew open revealing Uraraka and Midoriya, the latter was helping his girlfriend take off her coat to the warmth of the room. Shouto didn't expect Midoriya as his agency was located in Okinawa, seeing the two still together reminded him of Momo. As far as he could recall, the last time they'd seen each other together was months ago at Kirishima's wedding with Ashido. But now.

He looked away as the two ascend the polished hardwood floor after slipping out of their shoes.

"Whoo! Todoroki-kun!" Uraraka greeted, too jovially, "Where is everyone?"

"The dining room..." He answered rather dryly, briefly acknowledging the girl then returned to the playing show he wasn't even following.

"O-okay, then!" Uraraka chirped, unsure but retaining the joy in her tone, skipping to the dining room. Shouto had always been stiff and his speech patterns rarely sway away from monotone but he felt slightly guilty for being extra cold at the response. There was no way Midoriya shared his emotional turmoil with Uraraka so the girl must be wondering where he was coming from with his broody and sulking disposition.

"Good thing you still opted to come, Todoroki-kun."

He allowed the noise from the playing program to sizzle in his ears before deciding to speak. Sighing deeply as he leaned forward, elbows to the knees.

"Kirishima was generous in inviting me so... here I am..." He answered without sparing a glance holding on to his supposed fascination at the playing show.

"Hmm... Of course... I on the other hand happened to be around the city accomplishing tasks.."

"Was it for the agency?"

"Uhh..yeah... We're nearly close to completing the necessary papers. I kept delaying them since I've been called here and there... Do you mind if I sit with you?"

Shouto knew it wasn't just to catch up. He was about keeping him company. After a short nod, Midoriya suited himself on the ottoman. Not another word was spoken between the two heroes as the audio from the show floated in the silence. That was when Bakugou slid the door open a bit brusque and without warning slammed the poor thing back with a jerking crush snapping the two out of their reveries.

"What?!" He snarled, jutting his chin menacingly, not delaying for an answer, and grumpily slipping off his shoes with both hands in his pockets.

"Kaachan, I thought you were already inside..."

Bakugou rolled his eyes, kicking the shoes with a thud on the corner of the wall before stomping forward. "What did I tell you about calling me by that stupid name!" halting just to glare at them, mainly at the green-haired boy. "It's Lord Explosion Murder God Dynamight for you! Deku!"

"Good evening to you too, Kaachan! Care to join us?"

He threw his head to the side glowering but made a few steps to available space. "Whattya two doing here oozing depression?" brushing an abrasive glance at him, eyes narrowing. "Still moping about Ponytail breaking things between you two, Todoroki?"

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